Online Portal Enhances Population Health Management Program

February 1, 2014

by Sheryl S. Jackson

Sheryl-JacksonUser-Friendly, Customizable Program Helps Employers Reduce Healthcare Costs

Hospitals and health systems are not the only organizations focused on reducing healthcare costs and improving out­comes. Employers are also con­cerned about rising insurance costs, along with lost workdays when em­ployees’ medical conditions prevent them from working.

Susquehanna Health, a four-hospital integrated system in north central Pennsylvania, is launching a workplace-based population health management (PHM) program de­signed to identify employees at risk for medical issues and provide early intervention to minimize the risk of developing or exacerbating chronic illnesses. The launch will begin with selective clients in the first quarter of the year, with full implementation by the end of the year.

OneCommunity, a Web-based portal powered by Brentwood, TN-based Aegis Health Group, plays a key role in the support of the Healthy Partnerships program being offered to employers in Susquehanna Health’s market area, as well as the health system’s employees. “The portal is a PHM tool that enables us to collect health information such as biometrics and health history to identify the individual’s risk factors,” explains Chris Ray, director of refer­ral development for Susquehanna Health. “The tool augments and supports our PHM efforts to drive the appropriate people to clinical services at the right time.”

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