5 Marketing Insights for Healthcare Organizations from the Digital Strategies of Leading Consumer Brands
// By Lisa D. Ellis //
What do Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Time Inc., and other consumer brands and products have in common with your healthcare organization? More than you might think, when it comes to digital consumer engagement.

Clare Carr, vice president of marketing at Parse.ly
Everyone knows Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. In fact, just thinking of the name may make you drool for a pint of Cherry Garcia or Chunky Monkey. That’s because the brand has done an excellent job at becoming a household name in the 40 or so years it has been in existence. One of its secrets to success is appealing to people in the community by meeting their simple but universal desire for something that tastes good—and is also good for themselves and the planet. Add Ben & Jerry’s wholesome ingredients, commitment to sustainability, and giving back to the communities—along with a good digital strategy that connects with consumers—and you have all of the ingredients for a winning recipe.
Ways to Keep Your Communication Easy to Digest
While the general appeal of Ben & Jerry’s is pretty obvious, its connection to healthcare marketing may be harder to swallow. But Clare Carr, vice president of marketing at Parse.ly, says that digital engagement ideas from companies like Ben & Jerry’s and Time Inc. (both Parse.ly clients) as well as from other consumer brands are relevant for your healthcare marketing efforts. Read on to explore five themes from these companies that healthcare digital teams should think about.
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