Social Media for Direct Response: Zooming In On Facebook Targeting Tools
Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta and digital marketing solutions provider BrightWhistle were featured in our January article “Building a Facebook Community Creates Marketing Opportunities for Atlanta’s Piedmont Healthcare.” The article was based on a presentation at the 2014 Healthcare Internet Conference (HCIC) given by Matt Gove, CMO at Piedmont and Michael Sengbusch CTO at BrightWhistle.

Michael Sengbusch, CTO, BrightWhistle
We wanted to learn more about some of the Facebook targeting tools they used in their award-winning campaign, so we followed-up with Sengbusch to zoom in. Here’s what we learned about Facebook custom audiences, lookalike audience campaigns around risk assessments, how much a hospital or health system should expect to spend each month, and more.
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