St. Peter’s Healthcare System

St. Peter’s Multi-Level Strategy to Boost Recruitment and Retention

Headshot - Timothy-George-Saint-Peter

The eHealthcare Leadership Awards introduced a new category in 2023 to address healthcare workforce shortages. Eight winners were selected, including St. Peter’s Healthcare System, which used a twofold strategy to promote hard-to-fill jobs and support recruitment initiatives through marketing and HR collaboration. Discover St. Peter’s tactics and enhance your organization’s hiring practices.

Winning Digital Strategies to Boost Employee Recruitment and Retention

// By Susan Dubuque // The eHealthcare Leadership Awards introduced a new category in 2023 to address healthcare workforce shortages. Eight winners were selected, including St. Peter’s Healthcare System, which used a twofold strategy to promote hard-to-fill jobs and support recruitment initiatives through marketing and HR collaboration. Discover St. Peter’s tactics and enhance your organization’s hiring practices.