The Importance of Adopting an Accessibility Mindset for Healthcare Websites
// By Keith Bundy //

Keith Bundy, accessibility community consultant
Keith Bundy is an accessibility community consultant at Siteimprove. The following article is based on his speech during the 2018 eHealthcare Leadership Awards.
This year, we added accessibility as a scoring criterion in the Best Overall Internet category, combining a weighted score derived from Siteimprove’s Digital Certainty Index automated tool with judges’ scores to calculate the overall score.
“We’re excited to include this important new element in the Best Overall Internet category,” says Matt Humphrey, president of Plain-English Media, producers of the awards. “As an industry we need to continually evolve, and accessibility is a key issue that digital marketers need to address. We’re proud to highlight this important issue through the eHealthcare Leadership Awards.”
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