Suzanne Sawyer, Vice President, Portfolio Marketing at IBM Watson Health, Joins eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Editorial Advisory Board

Suzanne Sawyer, Vice President, Portfolio Marketing at IBM Watson Health
The eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Editorial Advisory Board is made up of leaders in the digital healthcare marketing field who are committed to shaping the future of the industry. They offer ongoing feedback on our editorial coverage, write occasional articles, and point us to developments and people our members should know about.
I’m very pleased to announce that Suzanne Sawyer, Vice President, Portfolio Marketing at IBM Watson Health, has joined this elite group. Suzanne recently joined IBM Watson Health where she leads brand and marketing strategy. A new article features Suzanne and the exciting work being done at IBM Watson Health. If you haven’t already seen it, be sure to check it out. We are proud and grateful to welcome Suzanne as a member of the eHST Editorial Advisory Board.
View Suzanne’s full bio and an index of articles to which she has contributed.
Matt Humphrey
Precision Healthcare Marketing Webinar Now Free for Members to View on Demand
In addition to contributing insights to several past eHST articles, Suzanne Sawyer recently presented a webinar, “Precision Healthcare Marketing: How to Improve Patient Engagement, Revenue, and Profitability—Lessons from Penn Medicine’s Transformation to Data-Driven Digital Marketing.”
Members of eHST can now view the webinar at no charge.
Learn how Suzanne transformed Penn Medicine’s marketing to digital and data-driven methods, allowing the organization to reach new patients and better engage with current ones.