At Memorial Sloan Kettering Giving, Personalized Experiences Put Donors First
// By Jane Weber Brubaker //
If you read any of the 2019 trends articles at the beginning of the year, chances are personalization was one of the “hot trends to watch.” But what exactly does personalization look like in a healthcare organization? If you ask 10 people, you’re likely to get 10 different answers. One thing is certain: It’s more than a web page that says, “Welcome, Jane!”
Digital technologies have given marketers the ability to create beautifully designed responsive websites and populate them with engaging content. But is that it? The digital team within the Office of Development at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center believes it can be much more.

Emily Scher, lead, digital strategy and marketing, Memorial Sloan Kettering Giving
The organization’s development group, MSK Giving, is leading the effort to personalize the donor experience, with help from open-source digital experience agency Phase2 — and the larger organization is taking notice.
Emily Scher leads digital strategy and marketing at MSK Giving. “Online, when you’re talking about personalization, you’re talking about things like, ‘How do we craft the experience this person is going to have based on what we know about them?” she says. “What is it that we know about this person that can make them understand that we’re putting them and their experience first?”
“We’re trying to figure out what makes you feel best about the work, and what inspires you to give to our organization,” says Brandy Reppy, associate director of digital operations for MSK Giving, noting that it’s not about building awareness of the Giving brand. “We want you to have really good feelings about our hospital and the work that the money we raise goes to serve.”
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