MACH: Making MarTech Modular
// By Jane Weber Brubaker //
There’s a lot of fear around technology investments. They can be expensive, complicated, and hard to implement. You send out an RFP, get multiple proposals, and narrow the list down to a few finalists. You speak with references, get a proof of concept. You’re finally ready to pick the winner. Even with all the due diligence, you’ll probably have to settle for a solution that checks most of the boxes and hope it really does integrate seamlessly with the rest of your marketing stack.
Is there a better way to build the solutions you need to achieve omnichannel marketing nirvana — seamless customer experiences on all devices, across all touchpoints, offering the right content at the right time? The MACH Alliance, a nonprofit organization formed in 2020, believes there is. MACH is an acronym for “Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native SaaS, Headless.” The Alliance advocates for “an open and best-of-breed enterprise technology ecosystem.”
A team of three MACH Alliance members conducted an experiment to see if they could create an end-to-end omnichannel personalized customer journey. They shared the results during DXSummit’s virtual summer session in their presentation, “Agile Omnichannel Personalization: Myth or Reality?”

Peter Fogelsanger, global head of partnerships at Contentstack, a headless CMS provider
“Twelve weeks ago, we assembled a team from Contentstack, Uniform, and EPAM with the charter to design a real-life omnichannel personalization experiment,” says Peter Fogelsanger, global head of partnerships at Contentstack, a headless content management platform. “We wanted to determine if an agile and pragmatic personalization can be a reality, or if it’s just a myth of broken dreams.”
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