Care Delivery

What Are the Top Industry Priorities for 2022?


Digital technologies are transforming how healthcare is delivered and ushering in new competitors to the market from nontraditional spaces like retail and payers. Large insurance companies are acquiring or developing physician practices in markets across the country. For example, OptumCare, a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare, employs or is affiliated with 50,000 doctors — the largest provider Read More

Who Gets a Seat at the Healthcare Table in 2022?


// By Althea Fung // Digital technologies are transforming how healthcare is delivered and ushering in new competitors to the market from nontraditional spaces like retail and payers. Large insurance companies are acquiring or developing physician practices in markets across the country. For example, OptumCare, a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare, employs or is affiliated with 50,000 Read More

One Expert’s Take on Why and How Telehealth Could Be Better


Telehealth skyrocketed during the pandemic as a way to keep patients and providers safe when in-person office visits weren’t absolutely necessary. The volume of virtual visits went from hundreds a month to thousands a day practically overnight, but the quality of the experience hasn’t always measured up. How do we make it better? To imagine Read More