Testing and Optimization
Subtopics: Conversion Optimization, A/B Testing, Multivariate Testing, etc.

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No CRM? Here’s How to Prove Marketing Impact

Nationwide Children

// By Marlene Kurban // If your CEO walked up to you in the hallway at your hospital next week and asked you what return on investment your hospital is getting for your marketing efforts, could you accurately answer the question?  “Four years ago we could not answer that question. Today we can,” says Alicia Read More

A Disney Strategy That Can Transform Your Website

Andy Gradel, System Director of Digital Marketing, Main Line Health

“Imagineering is a concept created by Walt Disney in 1952 as ‘the blending of creative imagination with technical know-how,’” says Andy Gradel, system director of digital marketing for Main Line Health in Philadelphia. “At its core, imagineering is rooted in storytelling, with projects using extensive theming, atmosphere, and attention to detail in an attempt to create attractions Read More

Are Your Online Ads Being Seen?

Boschen Boz, ndp

“[In 2016], more than 205 U.S. digital advertising professionals working for publishers were surveyed about the state of the digital advertising marketplace and the issues they believe matter most. Sixty-nine percent said they were extremely or very concerned about viewability, identifying it as the top issue impacting the market,” says Boz Boschen, Digital Media Director Read More

Ask the Expert: What Does It Take to Win at Digital Marketing in Healthcare?

Ben Dillon, chief strategy officer at Geonetric

[Hint: It isn’t size and budget that make a leader a leader.] // By Ben Dillon // For the past decade, Geonetric has performed its Digital Marketing in Healthcare survey to help healthcare marketers uncover industry trends, benchmark their own efforts, and better understand how to plan for upcoming digital initiatives. As part of the Read More

Have You “Imagineered” Your Site Lately?

Andy Gradel, system director, digital marketing at Main Line Health

// By Andy Gradel // Imagineering is a concept created by Walt Disney in 1952 as “the blending of creative imagination with technical know-how.” At its core, imagineering is rooted in storytelling, with projects using extensive theming, atmosphere, and attention to detail in an attempt to create attractions and themed layouts that will successfully lead Read More

Do You Accurately Value Your Hospital’s Website Conversions?

Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist at Google

In a recent eHST “Ask the Expert” column with Avinash Kaushik, Digital Evangelist at Google and Co-Founder of Market Motive Inc., we briefly touched on the concept of economic value in the context of web analytics and website goals. “Without goals and goal values, you are not doing web analytics,” says Kaushik. Goals are conversions, Read More

Online Ad Viewability: Is One Second Really Enough?

Boschen Boz, ndp

// By Boz Boschen // Earlier this year, more than 205 U.S. digital advertising professionals working for publishers were surveyed about the state of the digital advertising marketplace and the issues they believe matter most. Sixty-nine percent said they were extremely or very concerned about viewability, identifying it as the top issue impacting the market. Read More

How Healthcare Organizations Should Leverage the Power of Marketing Automation

Robin Snow

“Marketing automation refers to the software platforms and technologies that facilitate digital marketing strategies by automating certain repetitive tasks,” says Robin Snow, founder and principal of Aefinity Interactive, LLC. “[It] allows for personalized communication on a massive scale.” While the idea of automating marketing initiatives is undeniably appealing, what does it involve in practical terms? Read More

What Is Your Hospital Website Worth?

Jane Weber Brubaker, Editor of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // In a recent eHST “Ask the Expert” column with Avinash Kaushik, Digital Evangelist at Google and Co-Founder of Market Motive Inc., we briefly touched on the concept of economic value in the context of web analytics and website goals. “Without goals and goal values, you are not doing web Read More

What Is Marketing Automation and How Can You Leverage It at Your Healthcare Organization?

Robin Snow

// By Robin Snow // Marketing automation refers to the software platforms and technologies that facilitate digital marketing strategies by automating certain repetitive tasks. Higher-end marketing automation software provides marketing intelligence and advanced workflows that marketers can leverage to more efficiently and effectively communicate with targeted prospects and customers through multiple channels. Marketing automation is Read More

Troubleshooting Your Digital Healthcare Marketing Strategy

Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist at Google

Is it wrong to post ER wait times prominently on your homepage? It’s a fine strategy if you’re content to solve for a tiny fraction of your site visitors, say 2 percent. Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist at Google, suggests instead: Why not create content and marketing strategies that meet the needs of 100 percent Read More

Why Isn’t My Hospital’s Digital Strategy Working?

Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist at Google

Ask the Expert, with Avinash Kaushik // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Is it wrong to post ER wait times prominently on your homepage? It’s a fine strategy if you’re content to solve for a tiny fraction of your site visitors, say 2 percent. Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist at Google, suggests instead: Why not Read More

Starred Reviews Work for Amazon—and Piedmont Healthcare

Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare

The most influential source in selecting a physician may be a recommendation from a friend or family member, but it doesn’t stop there. “When you get a recommendation from someone you know, one of the first things you do is look online to find more information about that physician,” says Matt Gove, Chief Consumer Officer Read More

What to Do AFTER Your Brand-New Website Has Launched — Part Two

Dagmara Scalise, AVP strategic services and healthcare practice lead, Primacy

// By Dagmara Scalise // In Part One of my overview of post-website redesign launch priorities, I focused on four important strategies to demonstrate the effectiveness of your website investment, and keep momentum going: Measurement Optimization Local search Content strategy Here we will get to the next set of priorities after your website redesign.

You Don’t Offer Online Appointment Scheduling? You’re Leaving Money on the Table

Penn thumbnail logo

In our self-service, digitally enabled world, healthcare consumers get annoyed when they can’t do something as basic as scheduling an appointment online. Ignoring patient demands for access and convenience can be a costly mistake, resulting in low satisfaction scores, or worse, losing out to competitors. A few years ago, Clinical Care Associates (CCA) decided it was time Read More

Which User Testing Tool Is Right For You?

Bill Citro, Communications and Marketing Senior Analyst at Nebraska Medicine

You’ve been working on your website redesign for many months. At key points along the way you solicited feedback from your physician committee and other stakeholders in your organization. Now you’re finally ready to let internal users test the site before the public launch. What are the right tools to use to get user feedback? Read More