Build the Data Management Foundation You Need for Successful Digital Healthcare Consumer Experiences
Learn from the nine-month journey of PeaceHealth to evaluate and improve its data management, and discover how you can break down your data silos — the single biggest obstacle that prevents your organization from delivering the digital experiences consumers expect and deserve.
A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists
Presented March 8, 2023
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Your Presenters:
Lisa Williams, Interim VP Marketing, Digital Strategy and Brand
Rachelle Montano, Vice President of Clinical Strategy, Loyal

Sponsored by Loyal

Complete and reliable data is the key to delivering great digital experiences for healthcare consumers, whether they are interacting with a chatbot, searching for a provider, or scheduling an appointment online.
But healthcare organizations still struggle to bring together disparate data from all sources. Lack of data governance results in poor coordination among internal teams and delivers disjointed consumer experiences.
These persistent problems negatively impact your organization’s reputation and brand. They limit your ability to connect people to the right care with the right provider at the right time.
Join us for a free webinar on March 8, and you’ll hear about PeaceHealth’s nine-month discovery journey to understand its data management needs. The digital marketing team interviewed people across the organization and gathered technical and business requirements that reflected the perspectives of the entire enterprise.
You’ll learn:
- How PeaceHealth collaborated with internal stakeholders to align provider, location, and condition data
- The key components of a successful data management strategy
- Why governance is critical to effective data management
- Best practices for managing provider and location information
- Integration tactics for clinical and consumer taxonomies
- Why dedicated resources are essential
- How lack of data accuracy and alignment across provider, location, and condition data can become the perfect storm of problems — and why working toward a solution is worth fighting for
And much more!
Your Presenters
Lisa Williams
Senior Director, Growth & Loyalty
Lisa Williams is Senior Director of Growth & Loyalty at PeaceHealth. She is a 26-year veteran of digital marketing and the author of "When Everybody Clicks: Sustainable Digital Marketing." She has been featured in Kiplinger Magazine, Glamour Magazine, The Boston Globe, and The Oregonian.
Lisa is on the SEMpdx (Search Engine Marketing Professionals of Portland Oregon) Advisory Board and Health Board. She speaks at regional, national, and international conferences on the topics of digital strategy, marketing integration, team development, and leadership.

Rachelle Montano
Vice President of Clinical Strategy
Rachelle Montano is an experienced digital and healthcare industry executive with over 20 years of experience developing and implementing successful digital strategies that help organizations connect and engage with consumers, customers, and patients.
As Vice President of Client Strategy at Loyal, Rachelle oversees strategy and development of the taxonomy for Loyal’s AI-based chatbot and runs the company’s Clinical Review Board.
She started her career as a clinical dietitian in a healthcare system, and then went on to obtain her MBA in pursuit of doing more to help healthcare providers and systems offer a better experience to their patients.

Welcome to today's webinar, Build the Data Management Foundation: You Need for Successful Digital Health Care Consumer Experiences, Im Jane Weber Brubaker, Executive Editor of Planning's, Healthcare.
We are the publishers of Strategic Health Care Marketing and eHealthcare Strategy and Trends and producers of the eHealthcare leadership boards.
Today, we're going to be talking about data governance, why it's so important, why it's so hard, and how piece health is building a foundation of data, accuracy, and alignment across provider, location, and condition data.
Now, we'd like to briefly introduce our presenters, and you can read their full bios on your website.
Lisa Williams's, Senior Director of Growth and Loyalty at Peace Health.
She is a 26 year veteran of Digital Marketing, and the author of, when everybody clicks Sustainable Digital Marketing, Rachelle Montano is Vice President of Clinical Strategy at Loyal.
She oversees strategy and development the taxonomy for Loyals AI based chatbot and runs the Company's Clinical Review Board.
Today's presentation will be approximately 45 minutes filbert, 10 to 15 minute Q&A.
We'll hold your questions until the end, but feel free to submit them anytime during the presentation.
Right after the webinar, we will send out a PDF of the presentation slides, and in a couple days, you'll see the link to view the recording.
And now I'd like to turn it over to Alise Williams who will start things off for us today. Lisa, take it away.
Thank you so much, Jane. Really excited to be here with you all today as James Share and we're going to dig into how we're working with Loyal Health.
And just as importantly with our own internal operational, clinical marketing and IT leaders to really dig into the problem, the lack of data governance and being able to have data accuracy for our provider location and condition data.
First, I wanted to talk a little bit about the peace health mission, I'm going to share that as we dig into this problem, this problem is not just technology, it's also governance, so we're going to discuss today. Not governance has a lot to do with your culture.
The ... mission is where a 130 year old at Catholic non-profit.
And we have, gosh, we had a medical center that just celebrated their 100 year anniversary, and such an inspiration.
The Sisters who are, we serve Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.
And the sisters recognize the need to support lockers and make sure that they have health care.
And so, we had a sister from London, from the East from the West.
Go to Ketchikan, Alaska, and start a Medical Center.
And this evolved, of course, over 100 years that they did that with so much bravery, so much love, so much care, so much concern for what we would call population health now, like making sure that our communities are cared for. And I'm so inspired by that love and ocean from the sisters, and grateful for the mission that we serve.
So here's ... Health, by the numbers, as I said. But I want to call out a handful of data points that are probably pretty similar to what you folks experience in your health systems. We have evolved over time.
We are, as I shared around the Pacific north-west and our networks in north-west Washington and Alaska and Oregon and south-west Washington. We've grown and changed and worked over time. We have hundreds and hundreds of providers that we serve, and Peace, Health Medical Group and are clinically integrated network. We have dozens and dozens and dozens of clinic locations. And there are tons of conditions that we have as humans. And, boy, you take all that data management and a bunch of different places, and then try to take that information and put it into a cohesive consumer experience for health care. And it is really hard. And I know that's why most of you are going to date, so we're going to talk a little more.
Our networks of care include 10 medical centers.
one of the challenges that we have is, because these organizations, we're built separately, and then we came together over time, the naming of clinics is very, very different across the organization. So the project that we're working on for data accuracy has also included an element of brand architecture. So we're going through the process of how do we have a canonical name, a standard name that gets included.
four, every service line, every type of care center that we have.
It's a very rigorous process that we go through. And we're going through that right now with our operational leaders and our clinic managers to propose names. These medical center names don't change, but the clinic names that are in different communities, we're trying to provide some standardization across those.
So when we dig into the taxonomy today, we'll be talking about, as I shared the providers, their associations with those clinics, and then the services and care that we provide, and all these networks and care.
So, from a marketing perspective, that price, product placement promotion, is harder in health care than any other variable.
As you guys know, we're more than 18% of the US economy. And this is a problem that I think is really worth digging into and solving together with great technology partners.
With that, I'll pass it to Rachele.
Thank you so much, Lisa. As you can probably already tell if it's gonna make my job so easy today, because really, I'm just gonna tee stuff up and she's going to be able to really share the great experience that she is bad.
Therapy's help in putting together a good data management foundation structure, governance, which is really exciting.
But before I do that, I just wanted to spend a couple of minutes talking about oil. Many of you may be familiar with oil. We are a company that's focused exclusively on healthcare.
We do, in Atlanta, although, and a strong employee base, but many of our employees are disbursed across the United States, Navy employees I was in our company yesterday that said 200, so we're somewhere around that. The good news is we are continuing to grow, which is which is great, because, say, especially in today's environment.
We have to have to lose the airplanes after all. They're going to take off my air pods.
I will today, and I've got a lot of echo, and so we thought we'd try with the air pause, but let me try it without.
Struggle is real, Rachele all been there.
I believe that switched over to my computer, and hopefully the echo isn't too bad, so a little better. I see Lisa, at least, hopefully, jaina, let me know.
Thank you. Great, thank you. Apologies for that.
So loyal has 35 health system clients that represents hundreds, if not thousands of providers and locations, and hospitals, and data that we manage.
So really diverse group, and that we have the opportunity to work with and support. And the other exciting thing is that we do have the support of the American Hospital Association as being a part of their innovation fund, which really gives us, again, access to a lot of really exciting things that are happening in the market.
So it's a really great company to be a part of. I'm super excited.
These are some of these are clients that we work with, again, large health systems, smaller health systems, rural, or urban, across the country.
And what we, what we really believe in is the need to consolidate an aggregate and develop a unified consumer experience platform that allows our customers to take in data from all of the pieces and parts and things that are solutions, that you have implemented in your, at your hospital.
Take the data, be able to, You manipulate it, and clean it so that you're able to then influence the patient experience. And engage with your patients. And so we developed that consumer platform. I'm not gonna go too deep into that today because we are focusing on governance and we're the people part, but we're, that's part of where oil is.
I wanted to share. It was raped.
It's been great working with Loyal Health and really recognizing from this slide when we look at all the different groups, the different departments that have data that they manage in different places. Here, this this recognizes any of our EHR's. But, of course, there are so many other data sources that we pull from.
So I really are appreciative Boyle's deep understanding of what needs to happen at the ingestion and cleaning layer to get to a point where we can present that data in, at our digital front doors, and make sure the patients have a better experience.
So today, again, as we've already really started to dig in, and we want, it's gonna focus on Peace, health journey as they've identified their fragmented patient experience within their health care system, these are actually the objectives that we just pulled directly from the webinar promotional.
Materials, like got you guys all excited to come join us, but we just wanted to make sure to, again, we're going to talk about Data Management Strategy. We're going to talk about governance. We're going to talk about best practices for managing your consumer and location information touch on consumer taxonomy, that is, as Jane said in the intro, really the piece and the part that I manage and spend most of my time on it. So I could do a whole webinar dedicated to consumer. That's on that a little bit today. We'll talk about why it's so important to have dedicated resources in order for this to be successful.
And how you can, some of the tips, some things that you can think about in order to get those resources dedicated, to get the funding and the support needed across your organization, to do that then. really, at least as part of it, is, just make it.
You know, really being that you evangelize evangelists that's necessary to help push this forward because having data add accurate data across your enterprises, the key to success.
Am the alignment piece, as Rachele shared, is really hard, and we're at the point where we, we have gone through our requirements, building processes. We've worked with our IT teams. We have gone through a prioritization Council process, where we're defining this as part of a larger roadmap for peace health. Just that work along the way has brought us to this point.
So even though we just had our kickoff in January, just so you all know, don't think it happens this fast. There really is a lot of love and care and gathering alignment before you get to the point where you get into the tool.
And I would share, you know, that the digital innovator in me wants to get to that implementation, that design, build, implement, test so fast.
But boy, is it a great experience to just really take your time, Go through discovery.
Get alignment. We did more than 42 interviews. We talked with people across many parts of the organization. I learned so much. I met so many wonderful people. So, we just share that alignment piece that Rochelle is speaking to, is really essential to making sure this this really great technology really things once you start getting into that implementation of building and testing.
So we thought we'd start by talking a little bit about some of the challenges, and this some of the things that we're going to talk about here are going to probably resonate with many of you on the phone um started thinking about health care for many years is like this big dog wagging its tail on how consumers and patients and the people that we serve access and receive their care, but um things have changed. As we know. Consumers are really starting to exert their power more, making demands on health care provider and patient relationship and really expecting to be treated much in the same way that they're treated.
And doing business with any other consumer type of organization and really starting to be the tail wagging the dog if you will.
And so the kind of things have shifted to that, and I don't think this is here, this is necessarily something that we, those of us in health care really wanted to happen, but it's something that we have to continue to embrace and react to. Because, you know, not only are consumers, you know, making us, but other outside disruptors, if you will, Google Amazon, CVS Everywhere, right? We're feeling those pressures to help us find solutions.
And really, we're at an inflection point in our industry. And it's probably not comfortable for many of us on the phone, but it is something that, you know, we can't ignore, or else we're going to continue to be lagging by the tail in order to continue.
That's fun.
I would add those challenges include, I love that picture, by the way.
Those challenges include, richelle called out, not just the alignment that's necessary internally, but also deeply understanding the problems that many people do manage this data encounter on a daily basis.
one of my favorite interviews, after we got through all the discovery, and we created our project charter, and we did our SBAR, and we presented to our, our prioritization council, and we're really getting into it, and really starting to get a little bit of alignment. People asking really great questions.
Our credentialing VP's, who's just a delight?
We were talking through this project. We went through the discovery. And then we're like, let's let's meet with her again. We're so excited, we're a little bit further along. And so, we met with her. And we're like, oh, she's going to remember all about him.
And because this is so dear to us, and we've been living it for so long, She's like, remind me again what this was about. Oh, oh, let's talk. This is good. And we get into it.
And she and her partner on the phone said, are you guys seriously going to solve this problem?
Like, this would help us as a department so much like my team could focus on other things.
one of the women who had been hired more recently, she's like, actually, my job. So, it's so exciting to see how that culture and alignment can get us to that data readiness, from a governance perspective. So, that the technology can bring those things together and really help us get to the point where we're able to, to have what.
And all my love for Amazon and Google.
But what Amazon and Google have not been able to do yet. This was easy to bring together brilliant clinicians and brilliant people on the healthcare side and bring together technologists.
They would have done it by now and I know they're working on it.
I know they're doing great work, but I want us to give ourselves a little bit of grace in their reminder that no Hathaway Brown and and I'm sorry, Berkshire Hathaway School, Berkshire Hathaway and and huge technology companies. Anatole guan. They weren't able to solve this in a couple of years.
Give yourselves grace and recognize that it's going to take time to get through this process together. But it's well worth this brush over.
To that point, or to that end, or supporting that, is that, you know, the patient journey, If we map it out, which many of us, I'm sure have done this, this patient journey mapping. And it probably looks something like this.
Consumers or patients have a condition or treatment or something that they need to research. They do some research.
They become aware of you and, and the services and the providers that you have. They schedule a visit, whether it's in person or virtual. They have, they prepare for that visit, they have the visit, then they do the follow up. And that's kind of, you know, high level, The way things are. And what's happening is that, you know, digital health has moved into this and all of the virtual care options. And, of course, Coburn really accelerated that.
And we've thrown in, in our rush to meet the needs were thrown in all of these kind of point solutions, if you will, that solve pieces and parts of the journey along the way, and really kind of patchworks things. And that's kinda situation that many of us find ourselves in today.
Oh, OK.
This journey, this research, awareness, schedule, prepare, and follow up. I have a slide at the end that kinda breaks this down into even deeper detail for what those journey touchpoints are.
one of the struggles that we have, as you all know, is many of these journey touchpoints are done with different departments, and we basically do this kind of invisible handoff.
So, from a consumer perspective, I don't, at all quote, our CMO, from Cleveland Clinic.
So, you know, when I go to Delta, I don't expect to have to use different apps, you know, one app for, for claiming my bag and one out for being able to schedule or be able to schedule a flight. I really don't want to see, you know, seats that are aren't available to me. So, as much as I know, healthcare is really tired of hearing about, We have stuff to learn from e-commerce, and finance and hospitality.
one of the things that we could do better with data is being able to recognize that we need to see these touchpoints cohesively.
And one of the things, one of the outcomes of that taxonomy that Michele has been talking about, is being able to understand how people search, when they're in their research mode.
What they're, what tools they're using.
Whether that's Google, or your own website or chatbot: How they're gathering that awareness, what opportunities opportunities they have to schedule in different digital front doors. What do they do to prepare for this appointment, and how do we do follow-up.
And so, recognizing that the data governance is just as important as the patient experience governance as we're trying to improve these processes with taxonomy.
So, true.
And so, you know, this quote from Gartner I think really Summit sums it up for where we are today than the rest to deploy digital capabilities, to meet the increasing demands for the digitally enabled healthcare services as results All team, an independent digital interactions that do not support a cohesive patient journey. And I think that just kinda mic drop there. And, you know, we are in this position that many of your marketing, tech stacks probably look something like this. You have lots of vendors that you're managing, that are meeting particular parts of the need, and really, you know, you're at a position now that it's really becoming a struggle to manage all of them.
And again, as Lisa talked about here, that it leads to a very disjointed experience for the patient, and we really want to try to, you solve this, Um, not only that, but it also, OK, this is creating an increased cost burden for many of your organizations. because there's a lot of redundancy in what these solutions are able to provide for you. And so not only that redundancy and increased cost, and also the increased effort, but it also increases an opportunity for error and data inconsistencies and that's some of the things that we're going to talk about.
Now, Yeah, I would call out just the recognition that US rachele shared. I know many of us are very difficult.
But in situations in no other vertical, do we, you know, you care for people for three years through a pandemic.
And we don't get paid for it, So you're doing You're doing the good work and less you, but the reality is, every single time we go through the process of onboarding tools, without seeing the need across many departments are potentially skipping the process of building requirements together those technical requirements and business requirements requirements. And really.
No, it's not that we don't want many, many tools. But as Rachelle and shared, the fewer tools you have, this is just math.
The fewer tools you have, that do exceptionally good work, that solve big problems, the more likely it is that people who use those tools will excel at using those tools.
And I'm gonna give a shout out to a past mentor back in 97 pre google.
And he was saying, we're all talking about, Oh, webtrends, which for younger kids out there, Webtrends, was like, what we had before we had Google Data Studio, Anna.
Many of our other lovely analytics tools at Tableau and that kind of thing, and everyone needed the tool, and this man who I deeply respect that, I learned a lot from said, you're the best tool, no matter what tools that you onboard.
You are the best tool. How you use that tool is really important. How you govern against that tool is really important.
So spend a lot of time, going through the process of choosing a partner, based on those requirements, really deeply understand their depth in that market, and, you know, in our vertical.
And make sure that yours, you're spending time, not just to onboard that tool.
But to train against the tool one of the things I'm super excited about, is as we're building workgroups different workgroups some for the, you know, the clinical side, some for the marketing side, We're starting to see each other. We're starting to recognize each other's expertise. We're starting to see, oh, my gosh, this person knows so much about Search.
Or, this person knows so much about analytics.
And then the other thing it does, this brings us all together around the idea that taxonomy is how the taxonomy helps. How humans search for things.
I know this is going to come as big fat as to some of our leaders.
People do not go to our digital front doors, whether that's Epic or the website, or Google. They don't go. There are funds that Go there because they're trying to solve a problem. They're trying to search their sick. They have a sick kiddo. They want to understand.
If you take their insurance, they want to understand if you're the right place to help them. And that starts with the words that they use as humans, and it's the thing that I love, about the thing that Loyal Health is built, because it is put that how people search really at the front of this process.
So, just, again, want to call out, the tools are so important, but we're exceptionally good tools. You know, for sure.
Again, that's part of my passion, but, you know what, where we are today with all of those points solutions is that, you know, we have so much data, multiple owners of that data, multiple stakeholders across the organization. And, you know, as a result, data is everywhere, and there's no real consistent way to organize and manage a no.
And then, really, again, as Lisa mentioned, no consumer focused source of truth, So not putting these pieces and parts together and trying to address the needs in the way that consume the language and the words, and the ways that consumers search for and find us.
We are as many of if I can't wait to get to question, because I am always, there's always feels a bit, like, you know, we're educating each other, and we're also in therapy together, because I know we're all going through this, this data being in so many different places. This was a complete and total shock to me, my friends, I've been in health care for eight years.
For those of you, who are, who have been here for decades bless you, you're doing such important work, for those of you who are new, and trying to understand why is data all our case, It's really good to understand why it is that way. So many organizations, as, as Rachele had said, they've grown up over time. Different departments have different owners and stakeholders.
And all the more reason for us to really continue to work closely together, be able to see the problem in the same way, and then recognize that if we put that customer or that patient in the center, all of these pieces make so much more sense.
Yeah, Yeah.
And so, yeah, Kind of, again, building on that is that, you know, obviously, the intent of deploying all these point solutions met the need and the problem in front of us, and that is so important and noble and commendable.
But, what's happened as an outcome, as we've said, is that not only it's impacted the patient and consumer experiences and the challenges of managing all that data, it's coming from, from multiple directions. So, you know, we have the data silos, we have multiple department owners and stakeholders.
Legacy solutions that don't easily integrate or work or talk to each other, use different languages, different field names, multiple sources of data. But you talked about disparate formats and databases. And then, of course, you layer on to that, all of the regulatory and security requirements that, you know, that healthcare brains. And so, you know, I'd actually, also, I wanted to add to this list, what I was looking at and thinking about it.
Is that one thing that we're seeing and hearing more and more about why it's such a challenge to invest in and take the time to develop a solid data management strategy and solution.
Is because despite us knowing all of this, really, it's hard to develop a business case for investing in data management.
Because data quality has no really like true intrinsic value.
It's an enabler and the true benefits of effective data management are really intertwined across all these data, departments and stakeholders in places.
it really makes it hard to quantify of the downstream implications, or upstream improvements to get the investment in that data management solution. So that's probably where many of you are. And that's part of, again, why I'm so excited about the work that Lisa ...
have done to help really take the sea this challenge, and take it, and just, and, and move forward on it.
I love that Rachelle and I would say to the people in the room, as your body now you're You sit with your Scrum Master or your Project Manager, and you're trying to plot out what this is going to look like.
Multiply it times four, and also give yourself, give yourself time on the budgeting piece. We do our our TSP team has built some really great documentation, TFP is Technical Solutions Partners there, that's our IT Department. They built some really great documentation to help guide us through that process, and really help make sure that we are signaling not just what problem solving. But, what will be the budgetary outcomes? Like, how, how will this save us money? How will this improve the experience? And that was a great process to go through with them. Because we brought our own thinking into that, into that equation. But we asked a lot of different people, and it was fun to be able to just try to match that.
You know, this is what's happening in the real world with data. So I'll give an example.
I have, we just went through a little less than a year ago, We went through a move from Drupal 7 to 9, just a light redesign, some foundational changes, but really just a, you know, just set a move to a new, more modern content management system.
And as part of that process, we started educating people about, everyone knows how important find A doctor is. Everyone knows how important that, you know, people being in that search mode and giving them the data and the information that they need when they need it while they're searching. But we actually went through the process of quantifying your digital product managers.
We're getting, you know, X number of tickets through our ticketing system.
We were, you know, even used some quotes that we have from our tickets about how, and these are wonderful people, but how frustrated they were, and how bad this data is.
And I'm sure, I'm sure there are conversations about how hard can this be? And it sounded like human being, right there. Sorry.
We have, there are so many reasons why this is messy and why you need to budget for it.
But, I really hit me up, if you ever want to talk about this, because this, this was a passion part for me, because I care about, I care about the data part.
But there's also What's the saying?
There's not everything that matters can be measured, and not everything that can, not everything that matters can be measured, and not everything that is measured, matters.
And so really digging into, we're all super smart people, and I would like to justify everything with data.
But one of the things that we included, you know, we included many of these data points and and and efficiencies in, well, I think we gave every single visit to from patients to, from a Google business profile. That was a dollar like we made assignments for attribution, went through a really fun process.
There are really what it boiled down to is I want my CEs, my chief medical officers, I want my executive leaders to go to the website or go to Google and have a good experience.
And I know that's not this the really strong data thing that all of us data analysts want, but sometimes that that is really a big win.
Taking that off of their plates as providers, one less thing for them to worry about, one less thing for their clinic managers to worry about.
So just really take this.
I love Rachele that you guys call this out is such an important part of the process, is getting that, getting to yes on the budget.
Yeah. Yeah.
So kind of, again, to that point, and part of this being a therapy session as well.
Yeah, the conference, or I had this, this, VP of marketing.
I was having a conversation with her about data management and, and about we are, with situation where they are.
And she just said to me, I believe it's so true that we have an archaic system that gives the disjointed patient experience. And I spend all of my time trying to resolve operational issues.
So, again, it goes to not just, this, is your problem as much bigger than influencing the patient experience, but it's also influencing the operation. And so much of what we do, it's the unions have to really have to lean in and take charge. And to throw this, it's bigger than us, and we really challenge you to take it on and push forward. And, again, that's part of it.
Love about Lisa done is really spearheaded this at her organization, too.
And the thing I love about this, this quote is, it kind of teases out the fact that we all we all get a little uncomfortable when revering into other people's lanes.
So, I'll be honest, I'm a digital marketer.
I'm not, I don't know a lot about, I know some about epic, but I don't know a lot about Epic. I know a bit about value based care and how we're growing and changing and evolving into something that's not just transactional care. We want to care for communities, and so proud of the work that our organization does to support that. It's a little terrifying to be like talking to operations people or providers insane.
There's pieces of math, and we hadn't worked together for this reason, and you've done because people feel like you're telling them they've done something wrong.
Again, I think, if we can use the language of, this is a problem inherent to us, not just us, peace health. I've also done a similar project at an academic medical center. Not just to that organization, to many organizations, so many folks are really trying to get through the same thing. And so, leaning into that uncomfortable ..., by just reminding people, none of us are bad, are not smart, or not doing our jobs incorrectly. This is just a really archaic system that has been built up over time. And it's time for us to fix it.
So, in thinking about that, and thinking about the ways that digital healthcare marketing is impacting the consumer experience, through your digital front door, through promoting access and scheduling your efforts with CRM, e-mail marketing, and things like that. And getting feedback and reputation. and improving your reputation.
Having that solid foundation in the data quality accuracy, and accessibility of the data. Without if you don't have that all the efforts that you're doing are really stymied, and you have to, that data is the foundation of at all.
If you have incorrect information about your provider's wrong specialties, the what treatments they provide, where they provide it, how to call them, your phone numbers, hours of operation, things like that.
All of that, all of those components, have to be follow before you can really have a successful, any of the pieces and parts that you're doing for digital marketing. And, again, I can talk about this forever. No, or limited information, but you're really continue to drive that point home as far as the importance of that solid data foundation.
Yeah, and if I if you this are folks on the call.
If you take one thing away from today, I want to highlight what Rachelle just said can't see you all. But like virtually, raise your hand.
If you've had leaders come to you and say, I want this big flashy campaign, and I want this to be executed in our CRM, and I want to know a return on investment down to the dollar.
And I want to improve our, you know, our feedback and reputation. I want 100% response to your reviews. And I want to be able to schedule things online.
And I want to come up first in the Google machine, all of those demands.
Demands love our providers are not either delightful, but they can be demanding or good reason.
They are the reason we're here.
They're the ones Who, who are the business, are the ones who are in the heart of healthcare.
They are the reason that our patients come here, for the care that they get from our providers.
I can't do any of those things for any of these doctors or nurses that I love Until we get this part right. And I'm gonna give two quick examples. We got your time, Jane.
For the locations piece, the Academics Clinical Center that I that I worked at, did a similar project it was more about, really focused on local search and the Google Business Profiles. And the website. Not as much, we, we weren't doing as much around providing. So, it was really, a lot of it was around the locations and the connections with providers.
But, this project, as we dug into it, the big issue that we had was, there was one address for many, many, many facilities.
It was built as many of our healthcare organizations are, somebody gave us land, it's built in a bizarre place. We have to take a tram up to, this is a special place actually, but that, you know, we have to take a tram up to the campus campus is spread out, and there's one address.
So we drop people off at the epicenter of Google drops people off or Uber, whoever, their family member and they're blocks and blocks away from the facility. What's the worst thing to be doing when you don't feel well is being lost?
And so that project actually included not just, you know, all the work around the brand architecture and making sure that things are named appropriately, literally included work with the Bureau of Transportation, in the city. And we worked in a physically came put in addressing, you know, new address markers.
And the day that the crane came to put the numbers on the building, we flip the switch on the new addresses and Google Business Profiles that is, that is change management.
That is governance. That is people working together. And I just, I don't want you guys to get discouraged, because all of us have different problems that we're dealing with in this data foundation.
Pick one, pick one that you really care about.
Cellular your people into it and help them understand the importance of it, but really help them understand what we're Shell just said, we can't do those other things.
We can't do those beautiful campaigns that tell the stories of us without having this foundational information, correct?
Yep. Yep.
Yep, And so, this slide kind of takes that kind of to the next level.
And so, thinking about that data management or that data foundation layer, and putting in Flip, that helps drive your digital front door, and your reputation management, your CRM, and everything else that you're doing, as Lisa just mentioned, too.
And layering on that, a consumer health platform ecosystem. And, really, that's what's helping organizations.
You can pull data from all of these disparate sources, from your EMR, from credentialing, from whatever other vendors and pieces that you have, put in place to help drive all of those efforts, as well as using the data, then also layering in on some business intelligence. Some analytics, predictive work modeling, things like that, that are helping you also make smarter business decisions as well.
So, the value, the doing of investors, data management, is even greater than supporting those consumer experience efforts, as well, helping you make smart business decisions, too.
And that's really where the solution, that, yeah, that makes us so excited. So that's really what we're working towards.
I love that. And just this single source of truth will cause a little bit of angst with your leaders.
They're gonna get afraid about that because they're like, hey, marketing team or whoever's leading and frankly, this doesn't need to be a marketing lead project.
Whoever wants, we're all one organization.
So, whoever wants to lead this project, get a project sponsor, get a business champion, get people aligned around what you're doing, but help them understand why that single source of truth is matched with really good technology, is going to help solve that.
No, And so, today, we wanted, we've already got a lot of it I think, too. But we really wanted to continue to focus and drive in the, on the organizational development strategies behind the data, and the technology solutions. And really believe that having data management is, kind of, the tripod. You have to have a solid strategy as, to have strong governance, and you have to have a good implementation plan. So, really taking charge of that, and we're gonna continue to dig into each of those just a little bit.
So, with Strategy, you know, starting with the fact, as a foundation, you have to, Everything has to start with Strategy.
one of my favorite quotes, Naomi.
Baseball player. If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up someplace else. That's what your strategy to have before you start every end. You have to have your vision. You have to have.
That's our assessment of where you are, understand where you are, where you want to. Find your objective, finding tactics.
Dedicate your resources, and also understand how you're going to be successful. What are your metrics of success? Putting all of that in place before you start your so important.
Apologies. Here's somebody. Get anything. Recover this. Perfect plan, right? I've got this plan in place, and they're not.
Yeah, exactly.
Um, governance.
So, once you understand and know your strategy, the Governor's Challenge can be a really big obstacle in developing an effective data management solution, but it's so important.
Taking the time to identify who is going to be responsible for managing the data, Putting in place the data stewards data, or putting in data architecture, who's gonna be responsible for that?
And really engaging in and bringing in the various stakeholders and other participants in your data management process.
Not only creating that governance structure, which is important, which the next slide, actually, it's kind of a fun slide that will go into a little bit more detail of what we recommend, and what we see as a successful data governance model for Data Management.
But taking the time to develop and communicate the importance and value of data management across the organization is so important as a piece of your, of your governance. You've gotta bring everybody aligned and everybody along, and, everybody, in alignment with you. And then, developing policies and procedures for the ongoing management.
The data is so important to, And, a lot of times, what we see is, this is the first time organizations are really tackling developing those policies and procedures, because this is the first time you're really tackling data management as an, as an enterprise, um, endeavor.
And so, creating these policies, documenting them, is gonna is so important to making sure that your data management journeys of success.
We're actually just, early days on, this part of the process, we do have some role mapping that we've completed. We have a PM from our business transformation office, and then a support from our IT team are actually meeting on Friday to kinda dig into our recommendations for these roles. Where should this documentation live? We've just completed some digital identity guidelines as part of our brand work, And we're wanting to, once, this is complete pulling this data into that.
So people see this, as, this isn't just this thing that sits over here.
It is part of our day to day digital friend, or managing those, those ..., or your website, and Google relationships.
And I would say, too, part of the value of that part of the process has been really limiting the scope.
There are, we have a slide that shows that many tools that consume this, can consume this data when it's spot on, which we're very excited about.
We're really limited to start with those two things so that we can have a really scalable scope share, you know, those changes and updates on for all the sprints that we're doing. And then be able to let people see that evolution over time, so that we're all part of that story together.
And so the recommended data governance structure that we initially start with, many of, you know, with most of our clients, is to kind of put in place something like this. So starting with an oversight committee, and that will help you also use that committee to help drive your strategy, but that diverse, multi-disciplinary stakeholder oversight committee can help craft division, and help get all the alignment across the enterprise a team that's really important component. Having an executive sponsor, someone who has enough clout within the organization to help drive this through, push this through, and make sure that you have the executive and leadership that you need.
Having a quarterback or a data manager, or whatever that person, whoever that person is, that somebody has to own this at the end of the day.
And that person is really, you know, loves data management and lives and breathes it. And really is, you really have to have that person who would, this is what they do.
And, then, across our organization, you'll end up with multiple stakeholders, content owners, be it in marketing, or clinical, or, or access or calls, and lots of other places, where the data lives, and people own it. You have that, and see you, you're making sure that they're, they will be a part of our governance structure as well.
The only thing I'd add here is just recognition that this will evolve over time. We can already see how, from, where we started and where we are now. I know it will look different by the time we launch, and it will continue to evolve.
But, this is also your opportunity, wherever you live in the system, to help other people understand the expertise that's needed for this.
We have, you know, and I can share names of folks, if you want to hit me up by phone. You know, we have someone who is really great at writing Business and Technical requirements. We have someone who hasn't been working on Google Maps and Google Local Search and Google Business Profiles, since it was the thing that they know the engineers, and they are really close to those folks. It's a great time.
for your group, whatever group you're in, operations or Martin, it's a good opportunity for you guys to learn about each other's skills and where that fits into this framework.
And so implementation is, you know, beyond just the actual technical implementation, thinking about the people in the processes and ways that your implementation is going to be impacted.
It's important to make sure, and we've talked about this already.
But make sure that you take the time to listen and learn and understand how people really use the date data, and get their support and alignment as you're moving forward.
Consider Everybodys workflow, understanding how call centers, interact with the information about their providers, phone numbers, schedules, things like that. Doing that will really help this be a success. And then, I also like the last bullet on here, knowing your organization's tolerance for operational disruption.
Because this will change some workflows somewhere, someplace and maybe even be impacting things that you're not even thinking about right now as you start down the journey. And all of us have been impacted in the last few years with a lot of influences and things that are beyond our control. So, we're, you know, we're all working with short, short.
OK, tempers Wigs. Sleep, like me when they now. But knowing that, understanding that, and be considerate of it as you're moving forward is going to isn't important.
Component two: Absolutely. Rachelle, and really starting with I just calling out that I did this wrong very many times before I started to get it right.
I mean, Basically, I would come to the table and say, Hey, guess what? We're going to need your help. And that's people do not want to hear that, we're all overwhelmed. We all have a lot happened in our, in our groups.
We really change that framework in life, how we were thinking about engaging, particularly with our clinic managers and our folks on the operational side, by telling them what's in it for them.
Wouldn't it be nice to not have some doctors say, Hey, my, my new hours for the clinic for next week are going to be this, Put that in teams, share that with the marketing team? Then, then, we're supposed to take that in.
Put it on the website, for how many days, and is somebody going to tell us when it changes, and then we put it in Google. Like, that's not sustainable.
And so really helping people understand, oh, my gosh, wouldn't it be nice to have just one place where, whatever your hours are, your role as the clinic manager, your operational person, you get a full, And if you're, like, marketing doesn't want anything to do with that, I don't want to define who's accepting patients. Who wants to come first? If you're doing online scheduling, you're finding a doctor, like none of those are marketing decisions as our operational clinical decisions.
So really make them see not just what's in it for them, but they, you can't do it without each other.
So true. So true.
The next part of your implementation is creating the data model and plan.
So again, we've talked about this already, so I'll go through that quickly, but identifying all your data sources, going through an exercise to cleanse and normalize then confirming the taxonomy that you're going to use the ontology and what principles that you're going to employ.
Again, this is a whole webinar in and of itself. But we did have one slide, I'm gonna jump to, real quick, talking about the, the benefits of your clinical taxonomy, And Lisa talked about this already at the top of the hour.
But making sure that you're meeting your healthcare consumers and patients where they are, so that they can find the care and the language and the words that they use. They are looking for a doctor with Bernie again, connecting them to the appropriate services and doctors and locations and things that all around that knee pain. They don't need to know that it's an orthopedist or sports medicine or whatever, even whatever that you call it, because you may call it something different than your competitors. So then pulling that together in the language and meeting your consumer's needs is so important.
Not only for them, but also for you as an organization. And we've talked about Google a lot, the Google's kind of algorithms of expertise, authority, and Trust, eat.
You know, if you're thinking about us from an SEO perspective, those are the things that, if you communicate to Google, they will give you love, and to hire show you more and higher in the rankings.
And those are things that we, as as healthcare providers, have. We have expertise, We have Authority, we have trust. But we have to be able to put that in language that Google understands. And that's what taxonomy really helps us do.
Then, the final point: Optimizing your Physician Schedules and Practices is something that I love about taxonomy.
Because, now, going back to that knee pain example, doctor Wu, within your organization, who really likes need, people who are knee pain issues, can find those patients. that not only can those patients find them, but it also helps optimize the provider so that they are getting the patients that they want and need at the end of the day, so taxonomy, we can talk about a lot more. But this is another piece of the puzzle in your data management strategy and solution beyond just data about yourself. But layering in this consumer language and text and data that consumers use and talk about.
I, that's such a great point, Rachele, on that you guys have all heard, like, what's Google's job? Google's job is to organize the world's information. The world's information, Just like looking forward a little bit, The world's information isn't just websites.
The world's information is a database CMS. It's this kind of taxonomy, it is so much data that they're making sense of, and they are moving more quickly, As are many other organizations with AI and natural language processing, to be able to get really, really good at understanding who we are. What do we mean when we ask these questions?
And it's one of the things I really love about this solution is that this taxonomy is really, it's not just deep, but it's flexible. Like, if you have, you know, we have folks that are in Ketchikan and we have folks that are in Eugene, Oregon, they talk about things in different ways. They use different words to describe things.
And so the benefit of people being able to be matched to the right insurance provider, or clinic, and care that they need, because of the language and questions that their searches that they're conducting with their own words is really powerful. And this impacts not just your website and impacts many other digital marketers.
So, to summarize, before, we move forward, quality, consistent data is really at the heart or foundation, if you will. That's driving the entire patient journey. So, if you put your patient or consumer in the center, and they engage with us through multiple digital and physical channels across their journey, kinda what's on the outside there of the slide.
Making sure that you're ensuring that their journey is not a jumbled mess of inconsistent information from disparate sources really requires that strong data management foundation with a strong strategy, governance, and cohesive and comprehensive implementation to optimize that experience.
Sorry, when we shall, we can stop at this slide. I can share the other couple of slides.
But the group later, I will say the other thing that makes me so happy about this getting this data management piece, right, as we talked about earlier, Know how folks come to you and say, Can you put a social posts? You Like to go straight to the channel before we've created content before we end data, is content, right? Like, organization of data is conduct stories, we tell us about helping people understand services as content, how do we get all that right and marry that with the data management? So, that all of these channels can perform at their best, can perform.
really importantly, in this moment that they can perform optimally our budgets for paid our ability to execute, and social, where communities are our abilities to do programming, And, and other types of advertising just gets better and better when you get this data management piece, right, So I want to make sure to leave time for just a few questions, and I know I can stay for a few minutes on or if we need to.
I didn't want to wrap up with a quick.
We do reflections at peace health, which I love, because basically, it gives us a moment to be human. And I say, this, you can have courage, or you can have comfort. You can't have both at the same time. And that's from our friend Brennan Brown, and just encourage you, guys to go out there and be brave.
Hit us up if you have questions. We're all in this together.
Thank you.
Thank you, Lisa.
OK, I am back and speaking of human. This is the one day that I forgot to put my cat behind closed doors. And when she heard the dog, she came right. Here we are. We only have a couple of minutes for questions.
Questions? All right.
Thank you, Jane Hirt, first one is, somebody would like to clarify, if loyal is acting as a data platform manager, is it a handoff to piece health?
How does it work? Is it an ongoing subscription? And then part two of the question, if you can keep that in mind, is, are you using or not moving toward using Fire Standard in this work?
Michelle, if you want to answer the technical analyst or the governance.
Yeah, so PS Health has partnered with oil to provide that, the consumer experience platform.
So data management platform, So we are the technology partner, that's, that's all the piece of data is feeding into. and supporting and become in the source of truth.
That's, that's pushing out to all of the other consumer facing channels that piece out these, and so we are the technology partner purpose of this as well. And where that comes, our taxonomy, and then, yeah, we're working through helping support and put in place the governance and some of that kind of, the services around that. But, if, you know it but yes, yes.
Loyal, loyal is providing much of that to help drive pizza.
And I don't know how much we want to get into the nitty gritty, but we are in the UI We're we've pulled in the data from Verity.
We're seeing where we have, this is a really fun part Right, like there's stuff that's just not true. And it's not anybody's fault credentialing wasn't built for this kind of experience. So this gives us the opportunity. Now, going to go. Nope. That's a duplicate, duplicate. Those are, you know, that's not what that thing is named. And so, a really good part of the thing I love about this, this platform, is it, does some of that work for you, a fair bit of that work for you.
And then you handle that data and then you vet it with people. Is this correct?
So it's a really good combination of, and technology and governance.
OK, next, because we had a bunch of questions, so we're going to try to do a rapid fire, How to self addressed the organization's tolerance for operational disruption. It's doesn't, that's not a quick answer, is probably not, I'm not.
And I'll do my very best because it's like, I said, I can hit me up because I will, if it's, if you can share people's information. Jane, I'm happy to talk to folks. But honestly, we started, I'm a very, my Twitter handle is SEO Pollyanna.
I am very optimistic.
And so I kind of go into these, not realizing how much pushback I'm going to get and it's kinda itza.
It's a feature and a bug. But I do think you're really going into this process with a lot of enthusiasm, and also a lot of honesty.
And a lot of time spent in discovery, I think, we probably wouldn't be at the phase that we're at.
If we had come in and said, Hey, we have a solution, which, frankly, we'd been through it before. We kind of didn't have a solution. We knew the problem that we wanted to solve, and we kind of knew how we wanted to solve it.
But it was absolutely important that we took a step back and said, We have to understand the problem, not just from our perspective or from our leaders perspectives, and we got many hands up to that process. I am our chief information officer, who's no longer with us. He's in France today, he's retiring, and I adore him, and I'm very sad that he's not here to see this. I definitely want to share with anyone we're done.
But he was great. And he also pushed really hard.
And you said you are going to, you need to expect for me to be a critic. I'm in.
And, yeah, we made an agreement. Actually, when I interviewed for the job, we made an agreement that we would plan the work and work the plan.
So, I made a commitment to my executive leadership that, we're in this together.
We are one organization who is trying to serve many communities that deeply need our help.
And so, I think starting from that place of culture that we have as an organization, that deep love of our communities, and the wonderful care that people are provided.
And just being able to, and we commit to caring for communities, sharing as a non-profit, really leaning into that, and caring about social justice, and social determinants of health and value based care.
And so the more that we can help our leaders understand, our problems are not that dissimilar. We're all trying to solve the same problem.
So, I think just making room for those conversations, making room to be uncomfortable, and also being told, hey, you're missing something, you had, you should have interviewed this person.
Put your feelings aside if you're journalists, you know how to do that.
But, about, really, be, really open.
So, I, I would agree that the, you know, the operational pushback can be real, but just be honest about the problem you're trying to solve together.
OK, so, Next question, It's kind of complicated, and so, I'll just give you a little recap of it, and then, maybe, this will be better taken offline. How do you handle complex taxonomies for sub specialties that are also conditions? And, it goes on, in. It's really detailed things. So, I'm going to ask the person to contact. You guys, have your e-mail address.
Think that the data. But, the data does really well. And so, that's probably a real question. I'm happy to weigh in a bit on how we'll address those, you know, sitting with clinicians and changing them. And that's the beauty to, like when people call us and say change this thing and Mary Verity isn't a system that I own. I can't change that. But here we can change it together. We're officially going a little bit over. But let's go let's see if we can get through a couple more questions, and then we'll close it out.
Lisa, you mentioned the Loyalists focused on the right care language, and that's one of the differentiators. Can you speak a little bit more, both of you, as to what that means and how it works between health system and the consumer Health care platform team?
So I think we're talking about that, that taxonomy and the relationships between the different things.
And so aye.
My background, as I said, is more digital marketer, content strategists, SEO. So this whole world of ontology, where she worked at my last organization, we actually worked with a librarian.
And I spent three hours with her.
Explain it to me.
What is a taxonomy, and what is an ontology?
And an ontology is the relationships between all those different things. And the taxonomy is those, those actual terms and how those search things are associated to those entities. And, boy, did he get geeky really, really fast.
But the thing that you recognize is, this is complicated. Our bodies are complicated.
How we know that the help that we need, the services, that we need is complicated.
Then it's further complicated by insurance, Bye, being able to get people to the right place. And so one of the things that we've been doing in our, as we're preparing for our next working group is kinda walking people through that process, Helping them understand, We have a lot of data, our own data, as well as external data. Showing people, this is the order in which people need to get to care.
Number one, Do you take my insurance?
Number two, is this a convenient location?
Then, they started digging into you know what is this location close to me? That type of care and services, it's different for different types of services, low acuity. I care about convenience, high acuity.
I want B highest regarded provider in this space. So I think making, making room for the taxonomy to do its heavy lifting. And then working with your providers to recognize what is there.
Yeah, well, what is their sweet spot? Was their specialty at academic medical center that I worked at.
They had a neurologist who who founded, it was the godfather of deep brain stimulation and some of the first surgeries that were, you know, that help people with Parkinson's and other things.
And we have cardiovascular unit here in our Oregon heart and vascular unit and our institute in Eugene and they, their providers are doing some cutting edge procedures that save, not just Save lives, extend people's lives.
Like there's so much great care that our providers give to our communities. And we have to have a way to associate people's need with that exceptional care and that exceptional expertise.
All right. Well, that definitely is a great answer. It's a complicated subject, as I started out.
It's hard people call right now or a year because they're, they're gigging out just like us. So, that's all the time we have your questions, and so, thank you, Lisa and Richelle, for a great presentation, and thank you loyal for sponsoring today's webinar.
So, keep an eye out for a PDF of the presentation slides right after the webinar. In a couple of days, you'll get the link to read to you, the recording.
So, thank you for attending today's webinar, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
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