Are Your Online Ads Being Seen?

Boz Boschen, Digital Media Director at ndp
“[In 2016], more than 205 U.S. digital advertising professionals working for publishers were surveyed about the state of the digital advertising marketplace and the issues they believe matter most. Sixty-nine percent said they were extremely or very concerned about viewability, identifying it as the top issue impacting the market,” says Boz Boschen, Digital Media Director at ndp, a Richmond, Virginia-based ad agency.
“These sellers review RFPs on a daily basis and feel the pressure of market movements most directly. They field requests from advertisers and agencies and work with internal resources to find the best solutions to achieve campaign goals.
“If the digital professionals who are in the trenches every day are concerned, what do marketers themselves think? At the end of 2015, the Association of National Advertisers asked brand advertisers, and the results were not reassuring,” Boschen notes.
“Sixty percent of client-side marketers said they were somewhat confident that their digital media budget was being served in accordance with industry viewability standards, but a whopping 30 percent said they were not at all confident.
“So what is the basis of the concern? Is it a lack of understanding? Or is there something fundamentally wrong within the market?”
As a representative of an ad agency, Boschen serves as an intermediary between publishers and brands. To get his valuable perspective, read the full article now:
Online Ad Viewability: Is One Second Really Enough?
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey