How AI Helps Streamline Social Media Marketing
// By Althea Fung //
Afraid AI is going to take over your job? Don’t be. “Marketers should … see AI not as a way to replace humans but to augment and enhance the important and necessary work we do,” says’s founder Kate Bradley Chernis.
With more than 3.6 billion users worldwide, social media is a highly effective method of communication for marketers. Although social media and healthcare may seem worlds apart, a study published in the journal BMC Research Notes found that 40 percent of consumers use social media for health information. Additionally, 91 percent say online communities influence their healthcare decision-making.
In recent years, marketers have turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to help craft social posts. By incorporating AI into social media strategies, teams can draft content faster, improve the user experience and increase their return on investment (ROI). Those benefits help drive growth in the AI social market. According to Markets and Markets, a market research platform, the global AI in social media market is expected to grow from $633.1 million in 2018 to $2.2 billion by 2023.

Kate Bradley Chernis, founder,
When Kate Bradley Chernis, a satellite radio DJ turned marketer, founded — an AI-social media content-generating platform, she saw an opportunity to use her experience in music to drive the next evolution of social content.
“When your brain listens to a new song, it instantly accesses every other song you’ve heard, looking for familiar touchpoints because it’s trying to index that new song in the library of your memory. In that moment comes forth nostalgia, memory, emotion — all the things that make listening to music so powerful,” Chernis says. “Those are also the three key factors that must be in place for trust to happen, and trust is why we buy.”
Read on to learn how AI is lifting the burden of writing shorter-form content. But it’s not doing all the heavy lifting. Humans still need to weigh in.
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