Predictive Analytics Platform Optimizes OR Utilization at Boston Medical Center, Improves Bottom Line
// By Jane Weber Brubaker //

Rich Krueger, CEO and Founder, Hospital IQ
Hospitals today are coping with severe financial pressures driven by cuts in reimbursement, penalties, and the shift from fee-for-service to value-based models. One company is helping health systems drive out waste and improve efficiency by applying operations management and quality improvement principles developed and refined in manufacturing. “There’s a lot of great work that’s been done by consultants and academics in applying operations management principles to the delivery of care, but no one has built a system to make it easy to consume,” says Rich Krueger, CEO and Founder of Newton, Massachusetts-based Hospital IQ.

Yi-An Huang, Director of Procedural Operations
Boston Medical Center uses the Hospital IQ platform to optimize operating room (OR) utilization. “If you’ve got ORs that are open, and you have nurses and surgical techs that are sitting around, that’s a huge wasted opportunity,” says Yi-An Huang, Director of Procedural Operations.”
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