
Year in Review: 5 Digital Healthcare Themes From 2022

2022 Year in Review

2022 has been a momentous year for digital healthcare leaders, in part because the delicate balance — of returning to “normal” after so many years of a global pandemic and returning to the continuous push for more digital transformation — is a fine line given budget constraints and resource limitations. But striking that balance is Read More

eHealthcare Strategy & Trends 2022 Year in Review


// By Daniel Fell // Why now is a great time to review all the excellent content from this past year and use it in planning for the new year. 2022 has been a momentous year for digital healthcare leaders, in part because the delicate balance — of returning to “normal” after so many years Read More

Blockchain Technology in Digital Healthcare: An Answer to Digital Ad Fraud?


If you’re running digital healthcare advertising campaigns, you’re probably aware of blockchain technology. To hear some tell it, blockchain is the answer to just about every problem faced by modern society. Others describe it as a solution in search of a problem. One area in which blockchain has seen some success is in helping to Read More

Point/Counterpoint: Can Blockchain Protect Digital Advertisers from Fraud?


// By Jim Samuel // Digital advertising will total more than $571 billion worldwide in 2022. But the latest projections from Juniper Research say $81 billion of that will be wasted because of fraud. Some advocates say blockchain technology can be the solution to the fraud problem. Others say blockchain is likely to come up Read More

Joe Public 2030: Our Thoughts on a Few Questions

Stuart Hanson

// By Jane Weber Brubaker and Althea Fung // Will the industry’s biggest buzzwords really make a difference? We think the answer is yes. A good open-ended question gets you thinking, or in our case, researching. In Chris Bevolo’s latest (and final, he says) book in the Joe Public series, Joe Public 2030, he poses Read More

Beyond Advertising: The State of Healthcare Digital Transformation

Jared Johnson

Ask the Expert with Shawn Gross, Vice President, Digital Transformation at ReviveHealth // By Jared Johnson // Digital transformation is more than improving internal operational efficiencies, creating a digital workplace, or doing more innovative advertising. It means offering real improvements in convenience, usefulness, ease, and other qualities people value. Here, Shawn Gross, vice president, digital Read More

Blockchain-Enabled Solutions to Persistent Healthcare Problems

John Halamka

Remember the Winkleveii? The aggrieved Harvard twins of Facebook fame?  They’re in the news again, this time as the “first Bitcoin billionaires.” Moneywatch reported in December that the $11 million they collectively invested in Bitcoin in 2013, was valued at more than $1.7 billion. So what does Bitcoin have to do with healthcare? Or digital Read More

Is Blockchain the Next Big Thing for Healthcare?

Blockchain in healthcare

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Remember the Winkleveii? The aggrieved Harvard twins of Facebook fame?  They’re in the news again, this time as the “first Bitcoin billionaires.” Moneywatch reported in December that their collective $11 million investment in Bitcoin in 2013 was valued at more than $1.7 billion. So what does Bitcoin have to Read More