
Time for a Brand-New Model of Care Delivery?

Predictions for 2021 are still anyone’s guess, according to Paul Szablowski: “The coronavirus continues to rage, and many economists are forecasting slow economic growth.” Nonetheless, Szablowski, an independent consultant and former senior vice president of brand experience at Texas Health Resources, sees room for hope: “Amid the uncertainty, there is opportunity. “Healthcare and digital health Read More

Opportunity Amid Uncertainty: A Vision for Tomorrow

// By Paul Szablowski // Predictions for 2021 are still anyone’s guess. The coronavirus continues to rage, and many economists are forecasting slow economic growth. Bloomberg reported in mid-November that the increase in COVID-19 cases and resulting new restrictions “threaten to temper momentum for the economic recovery even amid positive news about a vaccine.” Amid Read More

New Technology Provides Real Solutions In Real Time

Unity Stoakes, co-founder, president, and managing partner of StartUp Health

The COVID-19 pandemic brought health system leaders a myriad of brand-new questions, and precious little time to find solutions. How can we effectively triage COVID-19 patients? How can we predict COVID-19’s impact on our health system going forward? How can we estimate our capacity for elective surgeries and other vital services when the time comes? Read More

Where Do We Go From Here? Community Ties Are Vital.

Jean Hitchcock, president of Hitchcock Marketing and Communications

If there’s a silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, it is that there appears to be renewed respect between communities and the hospitals that serve them. “A lot of healthcare providers have suffered from the loss of their leading roles in their communities,” says Jean Hitchcock, president of Hitchcock Marketing and Communications in Woodstock, Read More

Healthcare Marketing in a COVID-19 World: What Hospitals and Health Systems Should Know About Marketing During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond


// By Jim Samuel // If there’s a silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, it is that there appears to be renewed respect between communities and the hospitals that serve them. That’s one of the conclusions expressed during a recent panel discussion hosted online by Scorpion Healthcare and moderated by Brian Q. Davis, executive Read More

SHSMD Connections 2019: Making Room for Innovation

Jeff Steblea, director of sales for Eruptr

// By Jared Johnson // It’s time to make more room for innovation in our marketing and strategy, according to participants at SHSMD Connections 2019. SHSMD Connections, the annual conference of the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development, was held September 8-11 in Nashville, Tennessee. The conference included inspirational keynotes, 140+ solution providers, informative Read More

StartUp Health Takes Aim at “Moonshots”

Steven Krein, CEO and co-founder of StartUp Health

Every year, thousands of investors and healthcare industry leaders descend on San Francisco for the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference. It’s a huge, four-day event that brings together start-ups, large corporations, providers, and pharmaceutical companies. But down the street, while the J.P. Morgan conference is just getting started, another community of healthcare innovators gathers to Read More

Teaming Up with Entrepreneurs to Tackle Healthcare’s Biggest Challenges

Melanie Graham

// By Melanie Graham // Every year, thousands of investors and healthcare industry leaders descend on San Francisco for the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference. It’s a huge, four-day event that brings together start-ups, large corporations, providers, and pharmaceutical companies. But down the street, while the J.P. Morgan conference is just getting started, another community Read More