University of Iowa Health Care

Content First: The Strategy Behind UI Health Care’s Web Redesign


When the University of Iowa (UI) Health Care marketing team set out to redesign the organization’s public-facing primary patient acquisition website, they knew the project couldn’t just focus on aesthetics and site performance. Find out how they approached this massive marketing project and the lessons learned.

Turning Ordinary Moments Into Extraordinary Content on Social Media

Melissa Sher

// By Melissa Sher // In her newsletter about social media, writer Rachel Karten shared advice from Dan Titmuss, a marketing expert who helps arts organizations connect with audiences: “Your brand’s ordinary is your audience’s extraordinary.” Keep reading for behind-the-scenes or day-in-the-life examples from other hospitals. They may inspire you to share something extraordinary about your hospital.

Mobile vs. Desktop: Designing Healthcare Websites for the Modern User

Inspira Health logo

In the ever-evolving landscape of wireless technology, mobile devices have emerged as a dominant force, transforming the way we access information and services. As mobile healthcare takes center stage in the wireless era, healthcare marketers are modernizing their strategies to cater to the growing demand for mobile experiences and meet evolving consumer expectations. Today, according Read More

Platinum Award-Winning Mobile Websites Offer Enhanced User Experience


// By Arthur Hill // For Inspira Health and University of Iowa Health Care, mobile design is not an afterthought. Today, according to CTIA, a trade organization for the wireless communications industry, Americans own 499 million wireless devices capable of transmitting and receiving broadband signals 117 percent faster than just 13 years ago. In 2021, Read More

HCIC 2022: Ready for a Comeback in Miami

Mike Schneider

// By Melanie Graham // After a virtual conference in 2020 and a scaled-back event in 2021, HCIC is ready for a return to normal this year in Miami. With new session formats, an exciting slate of topics, and a beautiful setting, this is a conference that healthcare professionals won’t want to miss. After two Read More