Data & Analytics
Subtopics: Marketing Metrics, Digital Analytics, Google Analytics, Attribution, KPIs, Dashboards, ROI, Privacy

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Defining Success: Study Gives Healthcare Market Tips on Measuring Conversions


// By Althea Fung // Healthcare marketers ask a common and essential question when launching campaigns or important projects: “What does success look like?” Marketing success is typically measured in converted leads and improved loyalty. But nurturing potential customers in hopes that they will become consumers can be challenging. One marketing leader decided to study Read More

A Better Path To Optimized Omnichannel Marketing?


There’s a lot of fear around technology investments. They can be expensive, complicated, and hard to implement. You send out an RFP, get multiple proposals, and narrow the list down to a few finalists. You speak with references, get a proof of concept. You’re finally ready to pick the winner. Even with all the due Read More

Do Chatbots Speak Your Patients’ Language?


// By Jim Samuel // Health systems have used chatbots on their websites for several years, and their usage increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. Now chatbot developers and health systems are looking to expand their use of chatbots into other areas of healthcare. If not implemented correctly, could chatbots increase inequity in our healthcare system? Read More

The State of Healthcare Digital Marketing in 2021

The State of Digital Marketing in Healthcare in 2021 squared

The survey results are in! See how the pandemic has shifted digital priorities and investments.

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and digital strategists.

Your Presenter:
Ben Dillon, Chief Strategy Officer, Geonetric

Watch this webinar and you’ll learn:

  • How the pandemic shifted priorities and investments
  • Where organizations are investing when it comes to virtual care capabilities
  • What leading organizations are doing differently than others in terms of goal setting, digital marketing tactics, and spending
  • What are the hottest areas for staffing
  • Where healthcare marketers feel most behind — and how that compares to the agency perspective

Watch Now »

Why Accurate Customer Data Is So Crucial – and Complex


“The data needed to run a modern healthcare marketing program is becoming vaster and more complex every day, and marketers will require ever more sophisticated tools to manage this data more efficiently and effectively in the future,” says Daniel Fell. Fell is a senior strategist with Optum and a member of the eHealthcare Strategy & Read More

Who Is Responsible for the Ethics of AI?


The Peter Parker Principle says, “With great power comes great responsibility.” It’s a phrase often attributed to Spiderman’s father as he talked about the superhero’s powers. But it could be equally applicable to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare today. That’s because while AI can bring significant capabilities to healthcare, it can also Read More

HCIC 2021 Is Live This Fall in Las Vegas: Learn What’s In Store


Viva live conferences! When HCIC convenes in Las Vegas in November, it will feel like a long-deferred family reunion. Virtual conferences and video chat have kept us safe and connected during COVID, but there’s nothing like the shared energy of an in-person meeting. This year is the 25th anniversary of HCIC. Launched in 1996 — Read More

MACH: Making MarTech Modular

Neal Prescott

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // There’s a lot of fear around technology investments. They can be expensive, complicated, and hard to implement. You send out an RFP, get multiple proposals, and narrow the list down to a few finalists. You speak with references, get a proof of concept. You’re finally ready to pick the Read More

HCIC 2021 – Live! in Las Vegas

Michael Schneider, executive vice president and co-founder, Greystone.Net

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Viva live conferences! When HCIC convenes in Las Vegas in November, it will feel like a long-deferred family reunion. Virtual conferences and video chat have kept us safe and connected during COVID, but there’s nothing like the shared energy of an in-person meeting. This year is the 25th anniversary Read More

Artificial Intelligence Can Bring Real Ethical Concerns to Healthcare


// By Jim Samuel // Increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has brought many benefits to healthcare providers and patients. But despite the benefits, there are ethical concerns — unintentional or malicious — that any healthcare organization that embraces AI should address. The Peter Parker Principle says, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Read More

Empathy, Not Judgment, To Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy

Rose Glenn

As the COVID-19 Delta variant spreads rapidly across the country, there is an increasingly urgent need to overcome vaccine hesitancy and access to care issues among the unvaccinated. Michigan Medicine is fielding a comprehensive vaccine hesitancy communications initiative that is strongly influenced by University of Michigan (U-M) research stressing the importance of being empathetic to Read More

Nudging People Toward Better Behavioral Choices

David Halpern

Most people want to be healthy. Many smokers lament their smoking and make plans to quit but don’t. Others have a new year’s resolution to lose weight, exercise more, or eat healthier but often fall short. The reality is, saying you want to do something is way easier than actually doing it, especially if you Read More

When Stewardship Is a Core Value, Cost Management Is Critical


AMITA Health is one of the largest health systems in Illinois and provides care to nearly 6.6 million residents of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. The system consists of 15 acute care hospitals, four specialty hospitals, 20 urgent care centers, and outpatient care centers for primary care and many specialties. “At AMITA, one of our Read More

What Can AI Unlock for You as a Healthcare Marketer?

Paul Roetzer

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // “AI” and “machine learning” are terms that get batted around a lot these days. We know that there’s great promise on the clinical side to take vast amounts of data and use AI to make discoveries that would be impossible for humans to find on their own — akin Read More

A Targeted Campaign Boosts Lung Cancer Screenings at Trinity Michigan

Trinity Health Logo

“When it became clear in March 2020 that the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. had reached pandemic heights, federal health officials and cancer societies urged Americans to delay routine cancer screenings,” says Bradley Wensel, EVP and chief customer officer at Healthgrades. “Providers and consumers heeded those recommendations, which led to an abrupt drop in screenings, Read More

University of Michigan Research Instrumental in Shaping Communications to Overcome COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

Mary Masson

// By Brian Griffin // As the COVID-19 Delta variant spreads rapidly across the country, there is an increasingly urgent need to overcome vaccine hesitancy and access to care issues among the unvaccinated. Michigan Medicine’s communications strategy is based on research that shows patients want empathy, not lectures or bullying. Healthcare providers on the frontlines Read More

Chicago-Area Health System Puts Spotlight on Identifying and Managing High Costs

Bonny Chen

// By Jim Samuel // Hospitals and health systems across the country are constantly looking for ways to identify and manage unnecessary spending — for themselves and for patients. Controlling costs is particularly important when one of your system’s core values is stewardship. That’s why Chicago-based AMITA Health turned to an app that gives providers Read More

COVID Accelerates Digital-First Strategy at Two Systems

Morgan Griffith

Bon Secours Mercy Health, a 50-hospital health system spanning seven states and Ireland, was in the midst of redefining the patient journey experience when COVID hit. “We’re one of the five largest Catholic healthcare systems in the U.S. — we have thousands of points of care and 60,000 associates. So, as you can imagine, making Read More

What Will it Take to Move Healthcare to Full Digital Enablement?

Margo Schneider

“I really hope that in the next 10 years the term ‘digital health’ is retired because all healthcare will be digitally enabled,” says Margo Schneider, senior director of digital strategy at UW Medicine. Schneider, along with Tara Nooteboom, director of strategic and digital growth at Rush System for Health, and Prem Batchu-Green, customer experience designer Read More

Sustaining and Accelerating Digital Health Innovation in a Post-COVID World

Tara Nooteboom, manager of digital patient engagement, Rush

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // “I really hope that in the next 10 years the term ‘digital health’ is retired because all healthcare will be digitally enabled,” says Margo Schneider, senior director of digital strategy at UW Medicine. Schneider, with co-panelists Tara Nooteboom, director of strategic and digital growth at Rush System for Health, Read More

Tips To Prepare for Google’s New Core Web Vitals Algorithm

cleveland clinic logo

Google is changing its search algorithm this month. Is your team prepared? With the new algorithm, called Core Web Vitals, Google will implement a new set of metrics that take into account page experience in search ranking. “Core Web Vitals is really getting at the overall experience of your page. Are users able to see Read More

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