Data & Analytics
Subtopics: Marketing Metrics, Digital Analytics, Google Analytics, Attribution, KPIs, Dashboards, ROI, Privacy

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Want to Earn Media from Top Influencers? Avoid These 6 Mistakes

Stephen Panico, chief growth officer of Buzzstream

// By Lisa D. Ellis // Your digital marketing content is honed to perfection, but have you packaged it to resonate with key influencers who can help you extend your presence? Your answer could be the difference between success and failure, says Stephen Panico, chief growth officer of Buzzstream. Making Meaningful Connections to Build Your Read More

Your Healthcare Marketing ROI: Are You Comparing Apples to Bananas?

Jessica Walker

When you claim an impressive-sounding healthcare marketing ROI for a marketing initiative, are you undermining your credibility by not considering all the variables in your calculation? Here, Jessica Walker, an industry veteran and thought leader, takes us through some detailed examples of how marketers could misinterpret information and misstate their true healthcare marketing ROI by Read More

Overlooking Phone Calls in Your Pursuit of More Healthcare Marketing Conversions?

Dispatch Health logo (square)

For some organizations, the phone is the primary marketing channel consumers use to make contact — and to convert into patients. For these organizations the phone experience is critical to success. Today we’ll look at new digital tools that can help this once-analog channel optimize customer experience and increase conversions.

Dr. Google, You’re Fired

Andrew Le, MD, CEO and co-founder of Buoy

Froedtert Health Implements Buoy, an AI Tool That Provides Patients Possible Diagnoses and Recommends Treatment Options // By Jane Weber Brubaker // A Google search is often the starting point when someone has a health concern. But many consumers have been scared out of their wits by the results they find. “The joke you hear Read More

Customer Experience and Healthcare Consumerism: Are Providers Meeting Customer Expectations?

Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare

How well are providers meeting the expectations of healthcare consumers? Two recent surveys shed some light on the issue. surveyed 1,718 patients in 2018 to assess their needs and preferences regarding the customer experience of healthcare.

The latest survey from Kaufman Hall, on the other hand, focuses on consumerism from the provider side, and offers an analysis of where 425 respondents from 200 healthcare organizations rate.

Penn Medicine’s Secret to Success? Analytics.

Penn Medicine Shield Logo

When you consider the elements needed for quality content, what do you think of? Skilled copywriters may come to mind, or maybe you think of killer creative from a professional graphic designer. But what about data? It may not be the first thing that pops into your head, but analytics are a key part of Read More

Research Update: Looking at Consumer Expectations from Both Sides

Jane Weber Brubaker

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // How is healthcare doing in terms of meeting customer expectations? surveyed 1,718 patients in 2018 to assess their needs and preferences regarding the customer experience of healthcare. Kaufman Hall’s latest survey focuses on consumerism from the provider side, and offers an analysis of where 425 respondents from 200 healthcare organizations rate themselves on everything from improving customer experience to providing price transparency. In this article, we’ll share highlights from both surveys, one confirming that consumers have high expectations of providers, the other showing positive movement but slow progress in meeting those expectations.

Content + Analytics: Penn Medicine’s Formula for Success

Suzanne Sawyer, senior vice president and chief marketing communications officer for Johns Hopkins Medicine

// By Melanie Graham // When you consider the elements needed for quality content, what do you think of? Skilled copywriters may come to mind, or maybe you think of killer creative from a professional graphic designer. But what about data? It may not be the first thing that pops into your head, but analytics Read More

Data-Driven Marketing, A Successful Bariatric Campaign, and More

David Duvall, senior vice president and chief marketing and communications officer, Novant Health

There’s so much to keep up with in our world of healthcare marketing, and in our new feature, Snippets, we want to give you brief highlights from some of the things that catch our attention in the digital realm, snippets of webinars, podcasts, and other content that just might help you solve your latest challenge. Read More

From Discovery to Post-Care: How Is Technology Facilitating the Customer Journey in Healthcare?

Andrei Zimiles, co-founder and CEO of

Ask the Expert with Andrei Zimiles // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Andrei Zimiles is co-founder and CEO of The company’s marketing automation platform incorporates provider solutions for directory listings and reputation management, and in August 2017, launched a universal online scheduling capability. In December, merged with Connect Healthcare, and the combined Read More

How and Why To Create Customer Journey Maps for Hospitals

Shawn Gross is chief digital strategist, healthcare practice lead, at White Rhino

“Great content marketing starts with understanding the customer’s journey,” says Shawn Gross, chief digital strategist, healthcare practice lead, at White Rhino. “Journey mapping has become a favorite marketing tool for visualizing the customer’s experience. But what exactly are journey maps, how do you create them, and what is the best way to apply them to Read More

Innovation Shaping the Future at Jefferson Health

Steve Klasko

It’s appropriate that a health system named after the author of the famous document that begins with “When in the course of human events…” should demonstrate a strong commitment to human-centered design. Under the leadership of chief executive officer Steve Klasko, MD, MBA, recently named one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People for 2018, Jefferson Read More

Craft Your Messaging To Each Stage of the Patient Journey

Susan Dubuque, principal and co-founder of ndp

You don’t need to be an industry expert to know that today’s healthcare structure is experiencing tremendous change. Organizations are grappling with new technology as well as adjusting to reimbursement models that involve taking on more risk for patients’ health and well-being. These changes affect healthcare operations and administration, and they also trickle down to Read More

Inventive Minds Chart the Future at Jefferson Health

Jefferson Health Logo

[In the Lab] // By Jane Weber Brubaker // It’s appropriate that a health system named after the author of the famous document that begins with “When in the course of human events…” should demonstrate a strong commitment to human-centered design. Under the leadership of chief executive officer Steve Klasko, MD, MBA, recently named one Read More

Stages of Behavioral Change + CRM: A Winning Strategy for Healthcare Marketers

Melanie Graham

// By Melanie Graham // You don’t need to be an industry expert to know that today’s healthcare structure is experiencing tremendous change. Organizations are grappling with new technology as well as adjusting to reimbursement models that involve taking on more risk for patients’ health and well-being. These changes affect healthcare operations and administration, and Read More

The Science of Hospital Journey Mapping

Shawn Gross is chief digital strategist, healthcare practice lead, at White Rhino

// By Shawn Gross // Great content marketing starts with understanding the customer’s journey. Journey mapping has become a favorite marketing tool for visualizing the customer’s experience. But what exactly are journey maps, how do you create them, and what is the best way to apply them to hospital marketing? At first glance, a customer’s Read More

Benchmarking Reveals Whether You’re a Leader or a Laggard

Ben Dillon

“Benchmarking your organization against your peers is something every health system wants to do,” says Ben Dillon, chief strategy officer at Geonetric and eHST Editorial Advisory Board member. “But in reality, how you compete is more nuanced than just comparing your organization to others by team or bed size. It’s neither easy to compare yourself to an average of Read More

Crawl Before You Walk, Walk Before You Run: Get Your SEO Fundamentals in Order

// By Mark Samber, PhD // Ranking high on search engine results pages (SERP) is probably the most important endeavor for any healthcare marketing department. After all, 60 to 70 percent of your potential customers (patients) search Google for providers. It is imperative that the bulk of your resources — infrastructure and marketing spend — Read More

New Technology Platform Automates Market Research

Steve Mast, president and chief innovation officer at Delvinia

Can traditional market research keep up with the need for speed in today’s digital environment? Maybe not, if studies are carried out in the traditional way. A new technology platform, Methodify, is helping health systems in our neighbor to the north accelerate the traditional market research process. Methodify enables organizations to collect feedback and insights Read More

3 Platinum Award Winners Show How Digital Marketing Is Done

Jane Weber Brubaker

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // As healthcare organizations grow in digital marketing sophistication, they raise the bar for others, creating powerful multichannel campaigns that drive measurable results. Three organizations achieved top honors in the category of Best Marketing Campaign in the 2017 eHealthcare Leadership Awards, winning Platinum Awards. This category gives organizations the opportunity Read More

Ask the Expert: What Differentiates a Healthcare Digital Marketing Leader?

Ben Dillon

Learn How Leading Healthcare Marketers Do Digital Differently and How to Propel Your Organization Forward // By Ben Dillon // Benchmarking your organization against your peers is something every health system wants to do. But in reality, how you compete is more nuanced than just comparing your organization to others by team or bed size. Read More

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