Dynamic Personalization in Healthcare Websites
Seventy-five percent of consumers prefer to do business with organizations that create personalized and relevant shopping experiences. But 60 percent of healthcare consumers report they don’t get that from healthcare organizations. There’s a huge opportunity to improve customer experience and increase conversions by bridging this gap.
Personalization can help connect the dots between consumer pain points and your healthcare services — helping consumers get value by more quickly and efficiently finding relevant information they seek, while allowing health systems to cross-promote services, improve loyalty, and drive patient volume. Done correctly, it’s a win-win.
In this session you’ll hear from experts who have worked with organizations including Duke Health, Geisinger, Johns Hopkins, and Cleveland Clinic. They’ll discuss how to use personalization tools to customize healthcare experiences while staying on the right side of HIPAA and the compliance department. You’ll get real-world examples and best practices to optimize your hospital website, leverage customer data safely, and deliver the more “Amazon-like” digital experience consumers expect.