Testing and Optimization
Subtopics: Conversion Optimization, A/B Testing, Multivariate Testing, etc.

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Which User Testing Tool Is Right For You?

Bill Citro, Communications and Marketing Senior Analyst at Nebraska Medicine

You’ve been working on your website redesign for many months. At key points along the way you solicited feedback from your physician committee and other stakeholders in your organization. Now you’re finally ready to let internal users test the site before the public launch. What are the right tools to use to get user feedback? Read More

Fully Integrated PRM and CRM = Fully Leveraged Healthcare Marketing

Ever dream of driving a Ferrari? If you’re a health system, the equivalent is a completely tricked-out, customized, integrated technology platform that gives you all the information you need to tackle your market holistically. No more siloed B-to-B vs. B-to-C strategies. Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) is living this dream as it prepares to roll Read More

Integration and Forethought Key To Success of Digital Healthcare Initiatives

Danny Fell

“One of the most important things marketers and digital strategists can do is align their digital activities with marketing and organizational business goals,” says Daniel Fell. “But often, in the urgency to adopt these new technologies and move projects forward, good strategic thinking can take a back seat to just getting things done. That’s unfortunate Read More

How To Best Leverage a Powerful (and Free) Marketing Tool

Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Logo

Two years ago, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare launched its new website, mywheaton.org, built on Geonetric’s VitalSite CMS (content management system). One of the top priorities of the redesign was to make it easier for visitors to find physicians, choose physicians, and request appointments. “Before we redesigned our site I would say we were averaging about 50 Read More

Web Analytics: A Digital Healthcare Marketer’s BFF

Jaimie Somlai

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Two years ago, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare launched its new website, mywheaton.org, built on Geonetric’s VitalSite CMS (content management system). One of the top priorities of the redesign was to make it easier for visitors to find physicians, choose physicians, and request appointments. “Before we redesigned our site, I would Read More

Pinning = Winning for University of Utah Health Care

Are you using Pinterest as part of your healthcare marketing efforts? If not, is it because the ROI seems questionable? Jen Jenkins, a Content Manager at University of Utah Health Care, and Kelley Whalen, a Senior Marketing Manager of Marketing Development for University of Kentucky Health Care, think the return is well worth it—and they Read More

Case Studies Reveal Vital Importance of Healthcare Transparency

Northwell Health Logo

“The best way to change a culture is to be transparent,” says Emily Kagan Trenchard, Associate Vice President of Digital Strategy at Northwell Health (formerly North Shore-LIJ). “When you pull back the curtain, everyone wants to tidy up the room.” Kagan Trenchard and co-presenter Chris Boyer, Senior Vice President of ReviveHealth, shared their perspectives on Read More

Predictive Analytics Platform Optimizes OR Utilization at Boston Medical Center, Improves Bottom Line

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Hospitals today are coping with severe financial pressures driven by cuts in reimbursement, penalties, and the shift from fee-for-service to value-based models. One company is helping health systems drive out waste and improve efficiency by applying operations management and quality improvement principles developed and refined in manufacturing. “There’s a Read More

Evidence-Based Design Moves Beyond Mere Aesthetics To Drive Results

“We’re lucky enough to live in an era when design is no longer viewed as decoration,” says Emily Kagan Trenchard, Associate Vice President of Digital Marketing Strategy for Northwell Health (formerly the North Shore-LIJ Health System). But even though “[w]e understand it as a core principle that shapes our everyday interaction…that doesn’t always mean we Read More

Why Orlando Health Shifted to a Patient-First Strategy

The social media budget at Orlando Health will double next year. But the health system’s social media strategy was anything but robust four years ago when Chantal Stephens came on board as Director of Marketing and Physician Sales. “Social media at the time was a very small part of the marketing story. It was a Read More

Evidence-Based Design: The Science of Better User Experiences

// By Emily Kagan Trenchard // We’re lucky enough to live in an era when design is no longer viewed as decoration. We understand it as a core principle that shapes our everyday interaction—from how we answer the smartphone in our pocket, to how we pay for things with a swipe of a card. We Read More