Trinity Health’s Marketing Automation Pilot: Email Reduces Need for Direct Mail
// By Jane Weber Brubaker //

Sheree Esser, Consumer Engagement Marketing Manager at Trinity Health
In March, we spoke with Sheree Esser, Consumer Engagement Marketing Manager at Trinity Health, about a planned marketing automation pilot at Saint Alphonsus in Boise, Idaho. We followed up with Esser to find out the results of the pilot.
The purpose of the pilot was to see if email could be a viable channel and potentially replace or reduce direct mail volume. Email is substantially less expensive than direct mail. “When you look at direct mail, it runs anywhere from $.40 to $.54 apiece,” says Esser. “Email is $.04 – less than that even. It’s dramatically different.”
Here’s an overview of the pilot’s strategy, tactics, goals, and results – and a challenge Trinity Health had to overcome first.
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