Win at Mobile Search: 3 Strategies for Success for Healthcare Marketers

Jeremy Dietz, Executive Digital Editor at Coffey Communications
“Organic search is a valuable source of website traffic for hospitals and health plans,” says Jeremy Dietz, Executive Digital Editor at Coffey Communications. “To capture relevant search traffic, healthcare marketers need to build and maintain websites that meet current best practices for search engine optimization (SEO).”
While the best way to make a site rank well is not always clear, Google is clear on one thing: “[I]n searches done on mobile devices, mobile-friendly websites get preference over those that aren’t,” Dietz says.
In our new article, Dietz looks at actual traffic results for three categories of websites: mobile-friendly before Google’s algorithm changes, mobile-friendly after the changes, and sites that still don’t pass Google’s mobile-friendly test. Spoiler Alert: the latter group does not fare well.
Dietz also shares some winning strategies to help you improve—regardless of which group your organization falls into—and an easy (and free) way to determine how mobile-friendly your site is. Read the full article now: How Have Healthcare Websites Fared After Google’s Mobile-Friendly Updates?
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey