5G Isn’t Just an Upgrade: It’s a Paradigm Shift
// By Arthur Hill //
The new generation of mobile communications networks isn’t quite here yet, but it’s coming, and marketers need to get ready for it.
The advent of 5G, or 5th generation mobile network, will continue to fuel the meteoric rise of mobile communications that has taken place over the past two decades.
In a session at the Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies Summit in April, “The Time is NOW to Prepare Your Website for the 5G Revolution,” the presenters stressed the urgency of getting up to speed, literally and figuratively.

Sujal Raju, founder and chief technology officer at Enqbator
“5G isn’t a modified version of 4G or 3G,” notes Sujal Raju, founder and chief technology officer at Enqbator, a digital solutions firm. “It’s a completely overhauled system.”
Bob Davis, vice president of marketing and engagement at the American Society of Addiction Medicine, agrees with Raju, his co-presenter. But he went further in predicting what will happen with the advent of fully deployed 5G networks. “5G is a shape-shifting, redefining event in mobile communications,” he says. “It’s not an upgrade to your phone. The devices you are currently using are going to be obsolete.”
How will these advances in mobile technology affect marketing? How will mobile communications, combined with artificial intelligence, affect marketing? What will the marketing department of today look like in 2030?
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