How Healthcare Organizations Can Adapt Digital Strategies Used by Google, Amazon, and Uber to Solve Problems Throughout the Patient Journey
Ask the Expert with Dan Greenwald, CEO, White Rhino
// By Lisa D. Ellis //

Dan Greenwald, CEO and chief creative officer of White Rhino
The latest technologies provide consumers with an array of conveniences — from the ability to summon a ride with a click of their phone to ordering fast food online and having it delivered right to their door. As these types of experiences increasingly become the norm, healthcare marketers are being pressed to find new ways to step up their own digital offerings to meet consumer expectations. While this can be a tall order for organizations, the efforts are increasingly important.
We recently interviewed Dan Greenwald, CEO and chief creative officer of White Rhino, a Boston-based digital marketing firm that helps healthcare organizations make a personal connection with their target audiences. We were interested in his perspective on how organizations can incorporate technological advances perfected by digital innovators and use them to enhance the digital experience for healthcare consumers.
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