What Does a Cutting-Edge Personalized Marketing Strategy Look Like for Hospitals and Health Systems?
Ask the Expert, with Chris Boyer, Senior Vice President, Digital at ReviveHealth
// By Jane Weber Brubaker //

Chris Boyer, Senior Vice President, Digital, ReviveHealth
We interviewed Chris Boyer following his presentation with Chris Bevolo, EVP at ReviveHealth, at this year’s Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies Summit. Their presentation “Personalized Marketing: Moving From Persona to Person” offers a vision of what healthcare marketing can become with the right strategies, competencies, tools, and technologies. Where is your organization on the continuum from mass marketing to 1-to-1 marketing? What do you need to do to move closer to what Boyer describes as “utopia”—engaging and communicating individually with millions of people that you serve?
eHST: What is personalized marketing, and why is it important to hospitals and health systems?
CB: The term “personalized marketing” has multiple definitions. But if we think about it in the purest sense, personalized marketing is about the ability to develop ways to take anonymous interactions with people and start to identify them and their preferences with the intention of ultimately communicating with them on an individual, one-to-one basis. Imagine, as a health system, being able to communicate with patients, family members, and other stakeholders on a level of personalization where you can understand who they are, how they engage with your system, what their interests are, and what their propensity is for future engagement with your organization.
eHST: What are the challenges that personalized marketing addresses?
CB: The biggest challenge, as Chris Bevolo identified in his second book, Joe Public II: Embracing the New Paradigm, is about building engagement. Engagement is the way that health systems are going to develop that top-of-mind awareness and loyalty within their communities. Engagement is also critical to population health management. It sounds almost utopian when you think about that—to develop a way where you can engage and communicate individually to millions of people that your hospital serves.
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