Electronic Health Records (EHR)

What Can Healthcare Marketers Do To Make Patient Portals More Compelling?

Shawn Gross, Chief Digital Strategist at White Rhino

Ask the Expert with Shawn Gross PwC’s healthcare group recently commented, “As patients behave more like consumers, healthcare organizations need to deliver a higher level of personalized service, satisfaction and overall experience—or risk losing business to the competition.” If you’re a healthcare marketer driven to deliver the best possible patient experience, wouldn’t you love to Read More

Using Technology to Enhance Patient Care and Improve Efficiencies

by Brian O’Neill Healthcare providers and payers have intrinsically known for years the importance of effective communication to high-quality care. But, truth be told, the system hasn’t always worked as well as it should. Primary care physicians have their challenges in communicating with specialists (including hospitalists). Physicians and nurses don’t always talk to each other Read More

Electronic Health Records Now Benefitting Even Smaller Practices

by Brian O’Neill With healthcare reform bringing millions of newly insured patients into a system that already sees shortages in primary care physicians and select specialties, the industry is being pressured to become ever smarter about how providers, insurers, and patients themselves communicate and interact. Fortunately, affordable electronic communication tools are available today that support Read More

EHR Best Practices Offered by Cleveland Clinic

Jane Weber Brubaker, Editor of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

by Jane Weber Brubaker Cleveland Clinic was an early adopter of Epic’s electronic health record (EHR) beginning in 2000. In 2012, Cleveland Clinic launched MyPractice Healthcare Solutions, a branded version of the Epic EHR platform, to share best practices with other organizations. “Part of Cleveland Clinic’s mission is to share its experience and model of Read More

Can Lifetime Value of a Patient Be Calculated? Is It Worth the Effort?

Daniel Ansel

// Ask The Expert with Daniel E. Ansel // It’s a commonly accepted maxim that it costs five times more to re­cruit a new cus­tomer than to retain a satisfied one, yet when I ask hospitals and health systems if they’re concerned or think about tracking the “lifetime value” of a patient, they usually don’t Read More

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