Patient Experience

Subtopics: Patient Satisfaction, Patient Engagement

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Think You’re Not in the Customer Service Business? Think Again.

Kyra Hagan

“Outside of healthcare, customer experience drives business,” notes Kyra Hagan, senior vice president and general manager, marketing & communications at Influence Health. “Retailers and hospitality providers have realized explosive revenue growth and brand loyalty by deploying best practices in customer engagement. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry has fallen behind by not truly treating prospects and patients Read More

The Role of Innovation and Technology in Healthcare Transformation

Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, president and chief executive officer at Renown Health

// By Dan Dunlop // As we continue to travel down the path of healthcare transformation, there are key individuals—healthcare leaders and innovators—whose ideas and actions are helping to shape the new look of healthcare delivery in America. Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, is one such individual. Dr. Slonim is president and chief executive officer of Read More

Learning to Treat Healthcare Consumers Like Customers

Kyra Hagan

// By Kyra Hagan // Outside of healthcare, customer experience drives business. Retailers and hospitality providers have realized explosive revenue growth and brand loyalty by deploying best practices in customer engagement. What are those best practices? World-class customer experience requires tightly integrating cross-channel data to bridge digital and in-person encounters. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry has Read More

Healthcare Price Transparency: A Work in Progress

Baptist Health Expense Navigator

A growing percentage of consumers with employer-sponsored health insurance are choosing high-deductible health plans that have lower premiums. Citing data from the Kaiser Family Foundation, Becker’s reported that 24 percent of employees enrolled in high-deductible health plans in 2015, up from just 4 percent in 2006. The downside of HDHPs is that out-of-pocket costs are Read More

Call for Entries — 2017 eHealthcare Leadership Awards

eHealthcare Leadership Awards Logo

This leading awards program, which drew over 900 entries last year, recognizes the very best websites and digital communications efforts of healthcare organizations, online health companies, pharmaceutical/medical equipment firms, suppliers, and business improvement initiatives. Now in its 18th year, the awards program is presented by Plain-English Health Care, publisher of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends and Read More

How 5 Health Systems Are Tackling Price Transparency

Average Price of Vaginal Delivery, by Facility. Source: HCI3 Report Card on State Price Transparency Laws—July 2016

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The nature of our health system in the U.S. is that it is massively complicated, with many variables that impact price. It’s extremely challenging for health systems to give an answer to a patient who asks a seemingly simple question: How much will this cost me? First a provider Read More

A New Solution for Non-Emergency Medical Transport

Ed Woomer, LCSW, patient and family services administrator, Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children

Lack of access to reliable non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) is more than an annoyance for patients who need care. It can prevent them from getting proper treatment and result in poor outcomes. The current system is rife with inefficiencies that negatively impact providers and patients. “If you have an unreliable healthcare transportation system, that disrupts Read More

Game Changer: Uber-ized Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Nemours Logo

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Lack of access to reliable non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) is more than an annoyance for patients who need care. It can prevent them from getting proper treatment and result in poor outcomes. The current system is rife with inefficiencies that negatively impact providers and patients. “If you have an Read More

Where Do You Rank on the Hospital Digital Experience Index?

In most cases, a badly designed website isn’t life-threatening, but in healthcare, being able to find the right information at the right time could actually make a difference. Are health system websites equal to the task? How easy do they make it for consumers to quickly find what they’re looking for? HDX-15, the Hospital Digital Read More

APIs: The Digital Glue That Will Save Healthcare From Itself

Emily Kagan Trenchard, associate vice president of digital & innovations strategy, Northwell Health

// By Emily Kagan Trenchard // I just got back from HIMSS 2017 in Orlando, Florida, and if this national conference of health IT professionals had a message, it was this: Patient engagement is the goal, so interoperability is the key. Why is that? Because to truly boost consumer engagement, we need to get our Read More

And the Winner Is…

eHealthcare Leadership Awards Logo

Veteran Judges Discuss eHealthcare Leadership Award Program Recognizing Digital Initiatives // By Jane Weber Brubaker // When it comes to awards, landing on the podium is a cause for celebration. The annual eHealthcare Leadership Awards are the “Oscars” of healthcare digital marketing. Healthcare organizations of all sizes have the opportunity to shine the spotlight on Read More

How To Give Patients the Portal They Want

MD Anderson Cancer Center Logo

In 2002, years before patient portals were a checkbox to qualify for meaningful use incentives under healthcare reform, MD Anderson Cancer Center created its own patient portal. myMDAnderson was launched in 2002. It gave patients a personalized electronic hub to organize all their information, and 24/7 online access. The tool has stood the test of time, Read More

Powering Patient-Centric Care with Data-Driven Solutions

Ajay Khanna

// By Ajay Khanna // With the emergence of value-based delivery models, the approach to healthcare is significantly evolving. In addition, there has been a significant shift in patient expectations. Patients today are looking for experiences similar to what they get as a consumer of retail, banking, or hospitality. They want to engage with the Read More

An Easy Patient Engagement Solution Hiding in Plain Sight

Allison Hart, Vice President of Marketing Communications at West

Looking for a technology solution to stay in closer touch with patients between visits? Maybe your patients over age 50 haven’t scheduled their colonoscopy yet. Some patients may need closer contact after being discharged from the hospital, or they have a chronic condition like diabetes, hypertension, or COPD and need to be monitored between office Read More

Hiding in Plain Sight: A Solution to Patient Engagement You May Already Have

Allison Hart, Vice President of Marketing Communications at West

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Looking for a technology solution to stay in closer touch with patients between visits? Maybe your patients over age 50 haven’t scheduled their colonoscopy yet. Some patients may need closer contact after being discharged from the hospital, or they have a chronic condition like diabetes, hypertension, or COPD and Read More

Reimagining the Online Doctor Profile

Shawn Gross, White Rhino

3 Strategies to Build Patient Trust and Drive More Online Appointments // By Shawn Gross // Patients turn to online doctor profiles to learn something meaningful about the person who’s going to be managing their health. But often these profiles are little more than an abbreviated resume: an academic history, professional credentials, and a headshot. Read More

How Marketing Drives Culture Shifts at Cleveland Clinic

Paul Matsen, Chief Marketing Officer of Cleveland Clinic

Imagine if the CEO of your top-rated health system turned to you and asked you to use marketing as a lever to change the culture of your organization. Sounds like a dream come true, right? For Paul Matsen, CMO of Cleveland Clinic, this level of support and confidence from the highest levels of the organization is not a Read More

Cleveland Clinic Turns to Marketing to Lead Culture Change

Paul Matsen, Chief Marketing Officer of Cleveland Clinic

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // How often does this happen? The CEO of your top-rated health system turns to your marketing team, and directs you to use marketing as a lever to change the culture of your organization. Marketers in many health systems may only dream of this level of support and confidence, but Read More

Chris Boyer on the Power of Personalized Marketing

Chris Boyer, director of digital and analytics at University of Minnesota Health and Fairview Health

We interviewed Chris Boyer, Senior Vice President, Digital at ReviveHealth, following his presentation with Chris Bevolo, EVP at ReviveHealth, at this year’s Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies Summit. Their presentation “Personalized Marketing: Moving From Persona to Person” offers a vision of what healthcare marketing can become with the right strategies, competencies, tools, and technologies. Where is Read More