#PatientExperience: Twitter Offers Valuable Insights

James Gardner

“When you think of using social media to conduct groundbreaking customer research, a hospital probably isn’t the first place you’d look,” says James A. Gardner of Connective DX. But, he points out, “Your patients are talking about you and their experience with your hospital! If you’re ready to listen to these conversations and learn from Read More

Hidden in Plain Sight: Twitter Holds Patient Experience Clues

James Gardner

// By James A. Gardner // When you think of using social media to conduct groundbreaking customer research, a hospital probably isn’t the first place you’d look. But the Computational Epidemiology Group in the Boston Children’s Hospital’s Computational Health Informatics Program (CHIP) is a leader in mining social channels for health-related insights. It is now Read More

Open Source or Proprietary? 5 Key Issues to Consider

Ken Rickard

// By Ken Rickard // Imagine a healthcare world in which you had to pay a license fee to perform each angioplasty. Or one in which breakthroughs in cancer treatments were never published, but were instead reserved only for a select few doctors and institutions. Medicine, like science, depends on the free exchange of information Read More

Predictive Analytics Platform Optimizes OR Utilization at Boston Medical Center, Improves Bottom Line

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Hospitals today are coping with severe financial pressures driven by cuts in reimbursement, penalties, and the shift from fee-for-service to value-based models. One company is helping health systems drive out waste and improve efficiency by applying operations management and quality improvement principles developed and refined in manufacturing. “There’s a Read More

Evidence-Based Design Moves Beyond Mere Aesthetics To Drive Results

“We’re lucky enough to live in an era when design is no longer viewed as decoration,” says Emily Kagan Trenchard, Associate Vice President of Digital Marketing Strategy for Northwell Health (formerly the North Shore-LIJ Health System). But even though “[w]e understand it as a core principle that shapes our everyday interaction…that doesn’t always mean we Read More

After the New Website, What Comes Next?

With so many major changes occurring in every aspect of healthcare, health systems today are advancing into new realms and evolving new models to better serve constituents. This means that before one major project is complete, a new one is already on the drawing board. Such is the case with the digital marketing agenda of Read More

Why Orlando Health Shifted to a Patient-First Strategy

The social media budget at Orlando Health will double next year. But the health system’s social media strategy was anything but robust four years ago when Chantal Stephens came on board as Director of Marketing and Physician Sales. “Social media at the time was a very small part of the marketing story. It was a Read More

Evidence-Based Design: The Science of Better User Experiences

// By Emily Kagan Trenchard // We’re lucky enough to live in an era when design is no longer viewed as decoration. We understand it as a core principle that shapes our everyday interaction—from how we answer the smartphone in our pocket, to how we pay for things with a swipe of a card. We Read More

Case Study: Creating a Social Media “Command Center”

Social media has become a critical component of the digital marketing mix for most healthcare organizations. Social media command centers are making it possible for lean marketing teams to listen, respond, and engage with growing numbers of consumers on multiple platforms, and share information across the organization. Some command centers are fishbowl-style physical spaces designed Read More

Tips from the Cisco Social Media Playbook

Cisco Logo

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // What makes a story great? It is relevant. It is original. It is simple to understand and retell. It is easy to share. It builds on feelings and values. It often ties into a bigger story. It gives your audience an opportunity to create or add to the story. Read More

How Does a Digital Marketer Transition from E-Commerce to Healthcare?

Ask the Expert, with Scott Mowery, Director of Digital Services at Cleveland Clinic // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Scott Mowery, Director of Digital Services at Cleveland Clinic, presented at HCIC 2015. His background in e-commerce intrigued us. We wanted to know how it shaped his approach to digital marketing in healthcare. We also wanted Read More

Ask the Expert: From E-Greetings to E-Healthcare

Scott Mowery, Director of Digital Services at Cleveland Clinic, presented at HCIC 2015. He used to work at American Greetings Interactive, and his background in e-commerce intrigued us. According to Scott, there’s a lot of overlap between e-commerce and healthcare marketing: “At American Greetings [my whole job was about] seeing how many subscribers turned into paying Read More

How To Improve Your Healthcare Facility’s Online Reputation

Sixty-six percent of respondents to Nielsen’s 2015 Global Trust in Advertising survey say they trust consumer opinions posted online. Reviews are the third-most-trusted source, after recommendations from friends and family (83 percent), and branded websites (70 percent). Yet Pew Research statistics indicate that only 3 to 4 percent of consumers write online reviews of treatments, hospitals, Read More

Blogging Maximizes Impact and Reduces Workload for Nebraska Medicine

To say that the past couple of years at Nebraska Medicine have been a busy time would be an understatement. As if launching a new name and brand weren’t enough, Nebraska Medicine completed the clinical integration of three separate entities into one operating unit, all while dealing with the international press as one of three Read More

Kindred Healthcare Dramatically Improves Its Online Reputation

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The CEO of Kindred Hospital in Mansfield, Texas was concerned. A patient and the patient’s family member had previously committed to coming to the facility. “Then they went online, and they read the reviews, and they came back and told [the facility] that they were not coming any longer,” Read More

Nebraska Medicine Launches Blogs, Reduces Spend on Traditional Media

To say that the past couple of years at Nebraska Medicine have been a busy time would be an understatement. As if launching a new name and brand weren’t enough, Nebraska Medicine completed the clinical integration of three separate entities into one operating unit, all while dealing with the international press as one of three Read More

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