Set Your Healthcare Marketing Up for Success in 2024

Marc Needham
2023 was a tough year for healthcare marketers. Budgets were cut, priorities slid in a dozen different directions at once, and tools we’ve used for decades became poisoned chalices locked behind glass by our Security and Compliance teams.
2024 looks like it is going to be a year of recovery: healthier margins, more favorable patient mix, and higher volumes.
Thinking you might be bored? Don’t worry — there will be exciting new challenges and being able to “prove it” is going to be even more important. Marketers who get it right will have real ways to show their contribution to the organization’s bottom line and will see their budgets grow.
Don’t get overwhelmed by trying to fix everything all at once. Every journey begins with a single step. In a new article, Marc Needham shares two things you can do today to set yourself up for success in the year ahead.
Read the full article here: Two Easy Things Healthcare Marketers Can Do to Start 2024 with a Bang
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey