
Set Your Healthcare Marketing Up for Success in 2024


2023 was a tough year for healthcare marketers. Budgets were cut, priorities slid in a dozen different directions at once, and tools we’ve used for decades became poisoned chalices locked behind glass by our Security and Compliance teams. 2024 looks like it is going to be a year of recovery: healthier margins, more favorable patient Read More

Two Easy Things Healthcare Marketers Can Do to Start 2024 with a Bang

This is the perfect time to turbocharge your marketing efforts, demonstrate success, and give your patients the best possible digital experience. // By Marc Needham // 2023 was a tough year for healthcare marketers. Budgets were cut, priorities slid in a dozen different directions at once, and tools we’ve used for decades became poisoned chalices Read More

Data-Driven Healthcare Marketing: Why It Needs Both Big Data and Thick Data


Healthcare marketers should no longer overlook the powerful qualities of qualitative or “thick” data that delivers rich, deep insights and meaning that quantitative data often can’t provide. Instead, healthcare organizations should aim to develop a data-driven healthcare marketing strategy that integrates both big data and thick data to unlock new opportunities for growth. Some readers Read More

Big Data vs. Thick Data: The Road to Data-Driven Marketing


// By Daniel Fell and Dean Browell, PhD // Marketers shouldn’t overlook the incredibly powerful qualities of qualitative or “thick” data that delivers rich, deep insights and meaning that quantitative data often can’t provide. Some readers may recall the popular “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” campaign that ran in the early 2000s, a tongue-in-cheek Read More

Trendwatch: Latest Mobile Design Trends for Healthcare in 2023

Gregg Shanefelt

Like mobile devices, mobile design is always on the move, constantly adapting to consumer expectations and technology capabilities. We’ve seen trends like M-Dot come and go, followed by responsive design, adaptive design, mobile-first, and device-agnostic design. The crossover year — when mobile usage of the internet overtook desktop usage for the first time — was Read More

What Are the Latest Trends in Mobile Design and Usability for Healthcare?


Ask the Expert, with Gregg Shanefelt, Principal Engineer, Mobile Development at Phase2 // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Designing to meet consumer expectations is not a one-and-done proposition. Like mobile devices, mobile design is always on the move, constantly adapting to consumer expectations and technology capabilities. We’ve seen trends like M-Dot come and go, followed Read More

Where Healthcare CRM Is Headed in 2023 and Beyond

Seth Kaplan

// By Jared Johnson // As CRM has matured, expectations have changed. Digital leaders at HonorHealth discuss the challenges and opportunities, and the importance of close collaboration between strategy and operations to help internal clients achieve success. Marketers at hospitals and health systems have spent the better part of a decade building the business case Read More

What Will it Take to Move Healthcare to Full Digital Enablement?

Margo Schneider

“I really hope that in the next 10 years the term ‘digital health’ is retired because all healthcare will be digitally enabled,” says Margo Schneider, senior director of digital strategy at UW Medicine. Schneider, along with Tara Nooteboom, director of strategic and digital growth at Rush System for Health, and Prem Batchu-Green, customer experience designer Read More

One Expert’s Take on Why and How Telehealth Could Be Better


Telehealth skyrocketed during the pandemic as a way to keep patients and providers safe when in-person office visits weren’t absolutely necessary. The volume of virtual visits went from hundreds a month to thousands a day practically overnight, but the quality of the experience hasn’t always measured up. How do we make it better? To imagine Read More

Sustaining and Accelerating Digital Health Innovation in a Post-COVID World

Tara Nooteboom, manager of digital patient engagement, Rush

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // “I really hope that in the next 10 years the term ‘digital health’ is retired because all healthcare will be digitally enabled,” says Margo Schneider, senior director of digital strategy at UW Medicine. Schneider, with co-panelists Tara Nooteboom, director of strategic and digital growth at Rush System for Health, Read More

Keys To Excellence in Healthcare Website Design

Ashley MacFarland, director of digital communications at Inova

What guides great site design? And who defines what “great” is in the first place? We checked in with some of the 2019 winners of the eHealthcare Leadership Awards to see how they approached their site redesigns, and what drove the decisions they made. The answer is that there is no one answer. Each organization Read More

Award-Winning Site Designs: More Than Skin-Deep

John Odom

Inova and St. Louis Children’s Hospital share their website redesign journeys. // By Jane Weber Brubaker // What guides great site design? And who defines what great is in the first place? We checked in with some of the 2019 winners of the eHealthcare Leadership Awards to see how they approached their site redesigns, and Read More

Why Digital Accessibility Is a Crucial Component of Patient Care

“[W]e must acknowledge the unmatched role of hospitals and health systems as caretakers of our communities,” says Keir Bradshaw, executive vice president of MERGE. “Digital accessibility goes beyond mere compliance measures. It’s a way to extend care to the community just as compassionately online as we do on-site.” Read on for an excerpt of Bradshaw’s Read More

Digital Accessibility: Why It Should Be a Matter of Culture, Not Compliance

// By Keir Bradshaw // Statistics paint a realistic picture of why healthcare organizations need to make their websites and other digital assets accessible to those with disabilities. For starters, there’s the fact that disability affects just over one in every four people1 living in U.S. communities. From a pure business perspective, hospitals and health systems simply can’t afford to shut the digital front door on 26 percent of their potential patient populations. Then Read More

How To Merge 24 Sites Across Two Separate Health Systems

Evelyn Meneghin, assistant vice president of interactive services, RWJBarnabas Health

Anyone who has worked in healthcare communications and digital marketing understands that a website relaunch project can be a daunting task. But one that involves merging 24 existing websites across two separate health systems sounds downright intimidating. In early 2017, that’s exactly what the RWJBarnabas Health web team was facing. They were on the hook Read More

What Consumers Really Want From the Healthcare Experience

Each month, NRC Health surveys American consumers about their healthcare experiences and preferences. And every month, the data seems to point to the same conclusion: Consumers want healthcare organizations to stop acting like healthcare organizations. The NRC survey polls more than 500,000 Americans and 100-plus healthcare CEOs. It also includes more than 300 face-to-face interviews Read More

Duke Health’s Ongoing Consumer Website Revitalization

Debbe Geiger, director of content strategy, Duke Health, with Chad Roberts, UX designer, Duke Health

It’s been more than five years since Duke Health relaunched its consumer website (, but the redesign process is far from over. “We planned for our website to evolve into an engaging user experience as we learned more about our audience, who they are, and why they’re coming to our site,” says Debbe Geiger, director Read More

Evolving Website Redesign: Duke Health’s Research-Driven Approach

Debbe Geiger, director of content strategy, Duke Health, with Chad Roberts, UX designer, Duke Health

// By Melanie Graham // It’s been more than five years since Duke Health relaunched its consumer website (, but the redesign process is far from over. “We planned for our website to evolve into an engaging user experience as we learned more about our audience, who they are, and why they’re coming to our Read More

Information Architecture: Keeping Your Website User-Friendly

Jillian Penrod, MPH, MSLIS, founder of Infotistas

We all have that miscellaneous drawer somewhere in our houses. While the junk drawer seems like a great way to store small, useful household items, in many cases, it’s an ineffective solution to poor organization and hoarding. The same thing happens with websites. It can be hard to figure out a designated home for a Read More

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