Starred Reviews Work for Amazon—and Piedmont Healthcare
The most influential source in selecting a physician may be a recommendation from a friend or family member, but it doesn’t stop there.
“When you get a recommendation from someone you know, one of the first things you do is look online to find more information about that physician,” says Matt Gove, Chief Consumer Officer at Piedmont Healthcare. Piedmont posts star ratings on individual physician bio pages and aggregates them at the practice and service line level.

Matt Gove, Chief Consumer Officer at Piedmont Healthcare
Are star ratings and reviews enough to be able to say your organization is being transparent? Gove believes that they are a good start, but feels there’s more that can be done to arm consumers with the information they most need most. If consumers can go online and find everything they need to know about any product or service they’re considering buying, shouldn’t they be able to access at least as much information when it comes to healthcare, when there’s so much more at stake?
Transparency has already proven to be a successful mission and strategy for Piedmont. Gove reports that traffic to physician bio pages has increased 2,000 percent since the launch of star ratings and reviews. In addition, new comments reflect that consumers chose a physician based on other consumer reviews.
In our new article, we discuss Piedmont’s successes with transparency initiatives, the challenges it continues to work on, and the system’s plans for the future. Read the full story now: At Piedmont Healthcare, the Most Powerful Marketing Tool Is the Voice of the Consumer.
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey