Digital Front Door

What It Takes to Succeed with Digital Front-Door Strategies

Definitive Healthcare Speakers

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Collaboration, consolidation, and centralization are key factors in creating a successful enterprise digital front-door strategy. Digital leaders from UW Medicine and AtlantiCare weigh in on how they win. Read on to learn more from our panel of experts about how they work through the challenges of digital transformation to achieve success.

Beyond Tactics: How to Build a Digital Front Door Strategy for Your Enterprise

ft image Definitive Healthcare Speakers

Join us for a lively conversation with our panel of experts who will share their experiences working in or with major health systems and how they build effective enterprise-wide digital front door strategies informed by comprehensive consumer and market intelligence.

Your Presenters:

  • Margo Schneider, Assistant Vice President, Digital Strategy & Operations, UW Medicine
  • Zain Ismail, Senior Director, Digital Health & Transformation, Strategic Advisory Services, AVIA
  • Otto Angulo, Senior Director, Digital Consumer Engagement, AtlantiCare
  • Mike Julian, Principal Consultant, Population Intelligence & Activation Populi, a Definitive Healthcare Company

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Welcoming Patients Through the Digital Front Door

Panelist Phase2 MEMBER Webinar

// By Susan Dubuque // The term “digital front door” (DFD) first emerged in the mid-2010s and has become a central concept in the healthcare landscape. During the 2023 eHealthcare Leadership Awards, the judges presented 15 awards in the Best Digital Front Door category. Discover how award-winning organizations enhance patient access, engagement, and experience.

How Can Your Digital Marketing Team Stay Ahead of Industry Transformations?


Marketing technology is evolving at warp speed, creating new tools and solutions that require greater resources, expertise, and talent. But how do leaders ensure their digital marketing teams evolve, grow, and adapt to keep up with these new technologies and transformations? Discover expert insights on managing digital teams to ensure long-term success.

Building and Leading Digital Marketing Teams for Long-Term Success


// By Daniel Fell // Marketing technology is evolving at warp speed, creating new tools and solutions that require greater resources, expertise, and talent. But how do leaders ensure their digital marketing teams evolve, grow, and adapt to keep up with these new technologies and transformations? Discover expert insights on managing digital teams to ensure long-term success.

The Remix — The Evolution of the Digital Front Door

The Remix squared png

This new free guide will help you answer:

  • What is the history of the Digital Front Door and what factors have influenced its status today?
  • With so much industry and technology disruption, where will the Digital Front Door go next?
  • What are the main areas of investment to consider in evolving your Digital Front Door? And how do you measure up?
  • What expertise do you need to cultivate a smart and effective Digital Front Door?
  • And much more!

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Advocate Aurora Health Transforms Healthcare Delivery by Leveraging Consumer-Centric Digital Technology

Jamey Sheil, Advocate Health

Advocate Aurora Health’s commitment to the consumer experience at every step in the digital journey has positioned this organization among the best consumer-first healthcare systems in the country. Advocate Aurora Health (now called Advocate Health Care in Illinois and Aurora Health Care in Wisconsin) was one of four health-related organizations to receive the Mark Gothberg Read More

What Does It Take to Be a Winner? Learn Why Advocate Aurora Health Took Home Top Honors at the 2023 eHealthcare Leadership Awards

// By Susan Dubuque // Advocate Aurora Health’s commitment to the consumer experience at every step in the digital journey has positioned this organization among the best consumer-first healthcare systems in the country. Advocate Aurora Health (now called Advocate Health Care in Illinois and Aurora Health Care in Wisconsin) was one of four health-related organizations Read More

HCIC 2022: Ready for a Comeback in Miami

Mike Schneider

// By Melanie Graham // After a virtual conference in 2020 and a scaled-back event in 2021, HCIC is ready for a return to normal this year in Miami. With new session formats, an exciting slate of topics, and a beautiful setting, this is a conference that healthcare professionals won’t want to miss. After two Read More

Collaboration: The New Gold Standard for Successful Healthcare Organizations

The pandemic had a silver lining. It took a wrecking ball to the walls that have separated internal departments within health systems. Organizations battling COVID-19 had to break down the silos, join forces, and learn to collaborate in new ways. These newly acquired skills are valuable in a post-pandemic world as well.

Health systems that forge internal alliances unleash their collective strengths and leverage competitive strengths to lead their organizations and the industry in innovation and transformation.

This report is a collection of our best articles on the value of collaboration, with interviews from healthcare leaders who have successfully built coalitions, worked across departmental lines, and brought teams together to accomplish what their organizations needed most.

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Using Digital Tools To Enhance the Patient Journey


The coronavirus, growing consumerism, and increased competition are contributing to decreased patient loyalty and a heightened need for healthcare organizations to improve the patient experience through digital transformation. “The latest market research shows there’s been a sharp drop in loyalty over the past few years, especially during the pandemic,” says Ben Dillon, chief strategy officer Read More

Northwell Health’s Technology Initiatives Proved Invaluable During COVID

Emily Kagan Trenchard

When the pandemic hit New York City, Northwell Health became a proving ground for new technology solutions to help mitigate the extreme challenges. Having an agile in-house team capable of creating sophisticated new solutions is “a tremendous muscle for the organization,” says Emily Kagan Trenchard. Northwell Health’s homegrown native app, winner of a platinum award Read More

Improving the Patient Experience Through Digital Transformation


// By Brian Griffin // Two health systems, one in Florida and one in South Dakota, are at the forefront of using technology to meet the rapidly changing expectations of healthcare consumers. The coronavirus, growing consumerism, and increased competition are contributing to decreased patient loyalty and a heightened need for healthcare organizations to improve the Read More

Northwell Health Takes Digital Patient Experience to New Heights

Mike Mangi

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // When the pandemic hit New York City, Northwell Health became a proving ground for new technology solutions to help mitigate the extreme challenges. Having an agile in-house team capable of creating sophisticated new solutions is “a tremendous muscle for the organization,” says Emily Kagan Trenchard. Northwell Health’s homegrown native Read More

Overcoming Pandemic-Related Team Communications Challenges


“Hospital and health system marketers and digital teams can stand tall at the end of 2021 and look back at a year in which they triumphed over some of their greatest challenges yet,” writes Jared Johnson of the Healthcare Rap podcast; he is also a member of the eHST Editorial Advisory Board.  Here’s an excerpt Read More

Coming Together for Patients: 2021 Year in Review


// By Jared Johnson // Hospital and health system marketers and digital teams can stand tall at the end of 2021 and look back at a year in which they triumphed over some of their greatest challenges yet. When considering everything that the industry went through and learned in 2021, it was a year that Read More