How To Deliver Your Digital Brand Effectively and Consistently

Phil Harding

Mike Reinhardt
“Delivering your brand promise through digital channels is obviously important to marketers at hospitals, health systems, and other healthcare organizations today,” note Mike Reinhardt and Phil Harding. “But what does delivering brand promise through digital really mean, and more important, how do you execute that delivery?”
Reinhardt and Harding, both of Monigle Associates in Denver, Colorado, believe that digital brand management is trending toward systems they refer to as “Digital Experience Guides.” These Digital Experience Guides, in turn, are integrated into Brand Centers, ensuring that “all digital experiences work together to deliver a truly holistic customer experience and brand promise.”
Brand promise should be an “experience” for your customers, they note. But it can be a promise that’s difficult to deliver on as digital devices and channels continue to proliferate.
Learn more about presenting your brand effectively across the entire digital realm, in our new article: Build Digital Experience Into Your Brand, Reinforce Customer Experience Mindset, and Deliver ROI.
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey
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