Evolving Website Redesign: Duke Health’s Research-Driven Approach
// By Melanie Graham //
It’s been more than five years since Duke Health relaunched its consumer website (DukeHealth.org), but the redesign process is far from over.

Debbe Geiger, director of content strategy, Duke Health, with Chad Roberts, UX designer, Duke Health
“We planned for our website to evolve into an engaging user experience as we learned more about our audience, who they are, and why they’re coming to our site,” says Debbe Geiger, director of content strategy at Duke Health.
Geiger joined her colleague and UX designer Chad Roberts at the 2018 Healthcare Internet Conference (HCIC), where they presented on their ongoing website redesign. The presentation focused on the research-driven process Duke Health’s marketing team has taken to improve the site’s user experience.
And, as we’ve followed up with them a few months after HCIC, it’s clear that research is ongoing, and the evolution of the Duke Health website continues.
“Websites are living, evolving, digital creations that need constant nurturing with research, analytics, and feeding of new content,” Geiger says. “Having a constant evaluation process of research and improvement will keep your website current and fresh.”
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