Is a Central “Command Center” in Your Future?
Learn how one health system developed a centralized unit to monitor its pediatric patients.
// By Lisa D. Ellis //

Stephen Lawless, MD, senior vice president and chief clinical officer, Nemours Children’s Health Center
Managing the many events and crises that occur in a major children’s hospital requires a lot of oversight and coordination, not unlike skills used by air traffic controllers who coordinate flight patterns for busy airports.
More than a decade ago, Stephen Lawless, MD, senior vice president and chief clinical officer at Nemours Children’s Health System, recognized similarities between hospitals and airports, and decided to adopt an air traffic control “command center” model to streamline operations in the Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando.
The concept has been gaining traction in the field, with a variety of other facilities now trying something similar. Nemours built its own command center. Other organizations are implementing GE Healthcare Command Center’s solution.
Is a hospital command center right for you?
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