Is Capacity Marketing the Next Step for Health Systems? Ask the Expert, with Chris Boyer, Vice President of Digital Strategy & Marketing Intelligence, Beth Israel Lahey Health
// By Jim Samuel //
“What health systems have to do now is get a better understanding of their customers’ needs, where they’re seeking care, and start to market to them where there is the capacity for care,” says Boyer.
Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals around the country are learning how to deal with its lasting effects on hospital operations. Whether it is patient surges that rise and fall with the seasons, staffing shortages, or changing consumer preferences, some health systems are developing a new marketing style to best match patient needs with available services. To learn more about this shift in marketing focus, we spoke with Chris Boyer, vice president of digital strategy & marketing intelligence, Beth Israel Lahey Health in Boston, Massachusetts.
eHST: Chris, you’ve spoken about a new marketing technique that some health systems are starting to use called capacity marketing. Would you please explain the goals of capacity marketing and why your health system and others are beginning to use it?

Chris Boyer, vice president of digital strategy & marketing intelligence, Beth Israel Lahey Health
CB: Capacity marketing combines the definition of marketing with the idea that healthcare capacity requires the right teams working together with the right equipment, tools, and the correct approaches to deliver the best care and treatment.
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