You’re Getting a Lot of COVID-Related Traffic. Here’s What To Do With It.

“Healthcare doesn’t stop, especially in a crisis,” notes David Sturtz of Geonetric. “Healthcare marketers need to deliver timely, accurate information now more than ever. There’s no doubt Google is a key player in your communication strategy.” Here’s an excerpt from his new article for us: As you think about how to work with Google, there Read More

Technology That Allows Patients To Self-Triage

Dave Wieneke is the healthcare innovation director at PK

“We are living in a world already changed,” says Dave Wieneke, healthcare innovation director at PK. “Unlike even 60 days ago, we face a new imperative to embrace social distancing to save lives and preserve clinical capacity. If history has taught us anything, it’s that times of crisis drive innovation.” Here’s an excerpt from Wieneke’s Read More

Telemedicine Is a Lifeline During COVID-19 Pandemic

Puneet Maheshwari, CEO and co-founder of DocASAP

As COVID-19 creates chaos throughout the U.S. healthcare system, caring for people with other illnesses and routine provider appointments presents a challenge. Scheduled appointments or wellness visits are being canceled because of social distancing mandates or state lockdowns, and providers aren’t sure how or when to accept new patients. Patients with chronic illnesses who can’t Read More

Preparing Your Post-Pandemic Marketing Strategy, Part I

// By Dan Dunlop and Jared Johnson // Right now, our hospitals and health systems are facing far more than a public health crisis; they are facing a financial crisis that could threaten their very survival. It is estimated that hospitals and health systems are losing 25 to 40 percent of their revenue as a Read More

Why Customer Experience Matters More Now Than Ever Before

Hardy Kalisher

“As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to swiftly — and perhaps permanently — alter daily life for millions of Americans, Customer Experience, or CX, can mean the difference between remaining vital and present to your customers and patients,” says Hardy Kalisher, chief client officer at Parallel Path. “Digital customer experience is more important now than Read More

Your Regular Marketing Plan Is Out the Window Right Now. Do This Instead.

Alan Shoebridge, director of marketing and communications at Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare organizations to develop and execute crisis marketing plans. A crisis marketing plan addresses brand management with the goal of avoiding disconnects and establishes processes for rapidly redirecting messaging from service line campaigns to patient safety and health. Alan Shoebridge, director of marketing at Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System and Read More

COVID-19 Crisis Creates Telemedicine Boom

// By Wendy Stark Healy // As COVID-19 creates chaos throughout the U.S. healthcare system, caring for people with other illnesses and routine provider appointments presents a challenge. Scheduled appointments or wellness visits are being canceled because of social distancing mandates or state lockdowns, and providers aren’t sure how or when to accept new patients. Read More

How Healthcare Leaders Are Taking On COVID-19

Well before cases of COVID-19 began to spike in the U.S., healthcare organizations were watching the response to the pandemic unfold worldwide and preparing for the worst-case scenario. Communications to myriad stakeholders have been and are being created, coordinated, and standardized across multiple channels. Accurate, up-to-date information is essential for all of us. To offer Read More

Digital Customer Experience in the Time of Coronavirus

Hardy Kalisher

// By Hardy Kalisher // As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to swiftly — and perhaps permanently — alter daily life for millions of Americans, Customer Experience, or CX, can mean the difference between remaining vital and present to your customers and patients. Digital customer experience is more important now than ever. Healthcare organizations instill Read More

Why You Need a Crisis Marketing Plan During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jared Johnson

Ask the Expert with Alan Shoebridge, Director of Marketing, Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System // By Jared Johnson // The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare organizations to develop and execute crisis marketing plans. A crisis marketing plan addresses brand management with the goal of avoiding disconnects and establishes processes for rapidly redirecting messaging from service Read More

How Jefferson Health Is Successfully Leveraging Telehealth

Frank Sites, vice president of Connected Care operations at Jefferson Health

In an address to the Alliance for Connected Care Telehealth Policy Forum in 2018, CMS administrator Seema Verma said, “Telehealth is changing the very face of healthcare.” She’s right. Studies have found that telehealth programs have reduced 30-day hospital readmission rates for heart failure patients, sped up the time to treatment for patients experiencing a Read More

COVID-19 and Google: What You Need to Know Now

// By David Sturtz // Healthcare doesn’t stop, especially in a crisis. Healthcare marketers need to deliver timely, accurate information now more than ever. There’s no doubt Google is a key player in your communication strategy. As you think about how to work with Google, there are a few important questions to keep in mind Read More

The Impact for Healthcare Marketers of the Chrome Cookie Phase-Out

Jeff Steblea, director of sales for Eruptr

In January, Google declared its plan to phase out support for third-party cookies in its Chrome browser by the year 2022. The announcement has led many digital marketers to panic because digital ads depend on cookies for targeting, and Chrome has significant market share. But healthcare digital marketers already have to play by stricter rules, Read More

News from the Front: Healthcare Shifts into High Gear to Address the Coronavirus


// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Well before cases of COVID-19 began to spike in the U.S., healthcare organizations were watching the response to the pandemic unfold worldwide and preparing for the worst-case scenario. Communications to myriad stakeholders have been and are being created, coordinated, and standardized across multiple channels. Accurate, up-to-date information is essential Read More

Perficient Acquires MedTouch: What It Means for Healthcare Providers

Jared Johnson

Ask the Expert, with Paul Griffiths, General Manager, Digital Health Solutions, Perficient // By Jared Johnson // On January 6, Perficient, a leading digital transformation consulting firm serving Global 2000 and other large enterprise customers, announced the acquisition of MedTouch, an award-winning, digital healthcare marketing and technology consultancy. Paul Griffiths, former chairman and CEO of Read More

How Does Google’s Cookie Announcement Affect Healthcare?

Alex Membrillo, CEO of Cardinal Digital Marketing

// By Jared Johnson // A recent announcement by Google to change how personalized advertising works in its Chrome web browser has the digital marketing world up in arms, but healthcare marketers might have less reason to worry, according to industry insiders. In January, Google declared its plan to phase out support for third-party cookies Read More

Google’s Plans for Improving Healthcare

As technology giants Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others forge ahead with plans to improve healthcare, many in the industry are wondering just what they plan to do and how they plan to do it. David Feinberg, MD, vice president of Google Health and former president and CEO of Geisinger in Pennsylvania, discussed Google’s plans during Read More

How Your Mobile App Can Help Patients Find Their Way – Literally

Katie Logan, chief consumer officer, Piedmont Healthcare

Finding your way around a labyrinth of hospital hallways can be stressful, especially if you’re an outpatient rushing to a test, or a visitor looking for a sick loved one’s room. Even finding the cafeteria for a quick cup of coffee can be aggravating when you don’t know where you’re going and have only a Read More

Physician Social Media Strategies Used by Mayo Clinic

Lee Aase, director of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network

How many of your hospital’s physicians are active on social media? Most hospital marketing teams don’t know the answer, but they should, says Lee Aase, director of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network. Aase says that hospital physicians who engage in social media can impact reputation scores that account for about 25 percent of a Read More

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