Cleveland Clinic’s AI Strategy Offers Valuable Lessons for Healthcare Marketers

July 10, 2024

Paul Matsen, chief marketing and communications officer at Cleveland Clinic

Adopting new AI tools without a strategy and coordination across a healthcare organization is like trying to build a new hospital wing without a blueprint and permits.

While it’s tempting to dive into new opportunities AI presents for marketing communications workflow, using AI with no organizational structure is foolish at best and risky at worst.

For a large hospital system with complicated logistics, compliance, and regulatory processes, the stakes are even higher. “It’s far more important to do this right than to do this fast,” says Paul Matsen, chief marketing and communications officer at Cleveland Clinic.

The marcoms team at Cleveland Clinic has been experimenting with AI strategically since Sam Altman publicly launched ChatGPT in November 2022. Soon after, Matsen sat in an executive management meeting discussing generative AI. “A lot of eyes fell on marketing and communications, and we realized we didn’t have answers,” says Matsen.

That began their efforts to create a plan to address leadership questions about how AI could make marketing more effective and efficient.

In our new article, you’ll learn how Cleveland Clinic’s marketing team effectively integrates AI to enhance their workflow with a focus on organization-wide coordination and thoughtful planning. You’ll also get 7 tips on how to effectively adopt AI in your own health system.

Read the full article here: Cleveland Clinic’s Strategic Approach to Adopting AI

Best regards,
Matt Humphrey