Following the Fundamentals Still Works: Cleveland Clinic Case Study
// By Jane Weber Brubaker //
In this digitally saturated age, we’re all running as fast as we can to keep up with the latest marketing trends and technology innovations.
With all the noise, it’s sometimes hard to remember that “the simplest solution is almost always the best solution,” says the philosophical principle known as Occam’s Razor. For Cleveland Clinic — a digital juggernaut — a simple reactivation program designed to bring back patients with chronic conditions is working well. In the context of population health, it’s not just about getting patients to come back once. It’s about keeping them engaged over time and helping them to stay healthy.

Sue Omori, executive director, marketing account services, Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic has been running reactivation programs for 10 years. “What people forget about sometimes is how to re-engage with the audience that they already have, with patients that they already have,” says Sue Omori, executive director, marketing account services at Cleveland Clinic. Omori presented with Tom Hileman, president of Hileman Group, a digital marketing agency, at the Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies Virtual Summit in August.
Omori shared the results of Cleveland Clinic’s successful re-engagement program for patients with chronic conditions. This program follows fundamental direct marketing principles and drives a healthy contribution margin. “The idea is to help our population team stay on track with their patients,” Omori says. “And we want to help them reactivate patients to Cleveland Clinic.”
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