How BayCare Health Is Building Deeper Customer Relationships and Driving Brand Loyalty
// By Marlene Kurban //
The ratings and reviews that consumers post online can advance or damage the reputation of any organization, and healthcare is no exception. Online reputation management (ORM) and ongoing analysis of reviews have the potential to significantly improve the patient experience and positively influence customer lifetime value (CLV).
BayCare Health System has spent the past two years conducting a proactive “Review and Requesting Program” in its urgent care and primary care service lines and analyzed the effect on clinical visit history and CLV.
Ed Rafalski, chief strategy and marketing officer at BayCare Health System and a member of the Strategic Health Care Marketing Editorial Advisory Board; Dena Brannen, digital communications and social media manager at BayCare Health System; and Annie Haarmann, head of strategy and consulting, healthcare and life sciences at, shared their insights and recommendations in a recent eHealthCare Strategy & Trends webinar. The three explained how the program was executed and evaluated, and how it improved the health system’s business KPIs and clinical outcomes.

Ed Rafalski, chief strategy & marketing officer, BayCare Health System
“Our work began with the realization that whether we like it or not, there’s a conversation going on about our health systems in the digital space, and online reputation management has a lot to do with managing the conversation,” says Ed Rafalski. “You can influence that conversation through an online reputation strategy, which is important when you’re building a brand and developing consumer loyalty.”
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