
MidMichigan Health Multi-Channel Campaign Featuring Animated TV Spot Hits the Target

MidMichigan Health was succeeding at getting people in the community to participate in health risk assessments. The problem was, they were reaching the “worried well” and not people who needed intervention. To remedy the situation, MidMichigan launched an advertising campaign, working with creative agency Neathawk Dubuque & Packett. The centerpiece of the campaign is an Read More

“Ask Dr. Internet” Campaign Drives New Patients to MidMichigan Health

We’ve all done it. A strange symptom appears out of nowhere and we go straight to the Internet to diagnose it, usually coming up with something far scarier than it actually turns out to be. That insight about human behavior provided the creative inspiration for MidMichigan Health’s “Ask Dr. Internet” TV commercial, the centerpiece of Read More

Video Remote Interpreting Translates to Lower Costs and Improved Efficiency

Lisa Ellis

By Lisa D. Ellis The latest technological approaches are helping healthcare facilities do their job better—and more efficiently—than ever before, right down to the very last detail. In fact, that’s where Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) comes in, offering on-demand video interpretation services to facilitate accurate communication for patients who are hearing impaired or have language Read More

Viral Videos Provide Multiple Ways to Share Organizational Stories

by Cheryl L. Serra What can you do with five minutes? As healthcare marketers are discovering, you can pack a lot of tears and tissue-grabbing—or guffaws, giggles, and sing-alongs— into five minutes. Healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to the power of video to showcase the emotional aspects of what they do, leveraging the relatively short Read More

What Should Digital Healthcare Directors Focus on in 2014? Part Two

Ask The Expert with Mark S. Gothberg Winners of the 2013 eHealthcare Leader­ship Awards, the com­petition’s 14th year, were recognized in November in New Orleans during a pres­entation at a healthcare Internet con­ference sponsored by Atlanta-based Greystone.Net. The November issue of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends listed the winners. Last month’s “Ask the Expert” column discussed Read More

My Internet … Personal Solutions, October 2013

Reference Source with a Click How often do you use Google to learn more about something in an online article, such as the location of a town, a person’s background, or the definition of a word? Rather than leave the Web page, get the browser add-on from Curiyo. Once installed on your computer, Curiyo identifies Read More

Salem Health Uses Video to Get Big Media to Pay Attention; Vehicle Leads New Marketing Push

by Mark S. Gothberg Here’s a dilemma that faces many organizations. The hospital is siz­able, but network television origi­nates in a city located about an hour’s drive away and outside the organization’s primary and second­ary service areas. Television stations have long-standing relationships with major healthcare organizations in their city and do not view the hospital Read More

The Digital Future of Physician Relations

// By Lyle Green and Dan Dunlop // In May 2013, a group of physician relations profes­sionals and thought leaders gathered in Houston to develop a vision for the future of physician relations. Recognizing the growing adoption of digital media by medical profes­sionals, the assembled experts sought to define the future role of the physician Read More

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