Digital Strategy

What Is Your Hospital Website Worth?

Jane Weber Brubaker, Editor of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // In a recent eHST “Ask the Expert” column with Avinash Kaushik, Digital Evangelist at Google and Co-Founder of Market Motive Inc., we briefly touched on the concept of economic value in the context of web analytics and website goals. “Without goals and goal values, you are not doing web Read More

What Is Marketing Automation and How Can You Leverage It at Your Healthcare Organization?

Robin Snow

// By Robin Snow // Marketing automation refers to the software platforms and technologies that facilitate digital marketing strategies by automating certain repetitive tasks. Higher-end marketing automation software provides marketing intelligence and advanced workflows that marketers can leverage to more efficiently and effectively communicate with targeted prospects and customers through multiple channels. Marketing automation is Read More

Eliminating Online Ad Fraud: There’s a New Sheriff in Town


// By Jane Weber Brubaker // If you have money to burn on digital advertising, then pay no attention to this article. But if you’re like most health systems, you’re scrambling to prove that the ad dollars you’ve been allotted are netting great results that warrant bigger budgets. So what happens if a big chunk Read More

What Do Customers Hate About Your Hospital’s Website?

Are your website visitors captive customers? When an organization fails to meet customer expectations—and the bar has been set high by industries outside of healthcare—the impact on brand can be great. More than a third of visitors to health system websites surveyed by Greystone.Net and Klein & Partners, creators of gSight™, a healthcare and hospital Read More

Which User Testing Tool Is Right For You?

Bill Citro, Communications and Marketing Senior Analyst at Nebraska Medicine

You’ve been working on your website redesign for many months. At key points along the way you solicited feedback from your physician committee and other stakeholders in your organization. Now you’re finally ready to let internal users test the site before the public launch. What are the right tools to use to get user feedback? Read More

Integration and Forethought Key To Success of Digital Healthcare Initiatives

Danny Fell

“One of the most important things marketers and digital strategists can do is align their digital activities with marketing and organizational business goals,” says Daniel Fell. “But often, in the urgency to adopt these new technologies and move projects forward, good strategic thinking can take a back seat to just getting things done. That’s unfortunate Read More

Is Open-Source Software the Right Solution For Your Hospital, Health System, or Physician Group?

Ken Rickard

“Medicine, like science, depends on the free exchange of information to produce the best outcomes for patients,” says Ken Rickard. “Software should be designed with the same goal in mind.” Rickard is the Director of Professional Services at Chicago-based consulting and development firm He believes software decisions are a crucial element of healthcare strategy. “Software Read More

B2C Marketing Predictions 2015

The results of an Economist Intelligence Unit survey, commissioned by Marketo, indicate that 99% of marketers plan to invest in marketing technologies in the next year. Here are other key findings: Impact on Revenue Of the B2C marketers surveyed, more than half (55%) feel that their marketing departments are regarded as little more than a Read More

Protect Your Investment With Usability Testing and Eye Tracking

// By Sandra Fancher // Mark Twain once said, “Supposing is good, but finding out is better.” As a Web and marketing professional, you know it’s easy to immerse yourself in a Web project and assume every choice or assump­tion you make will be clear to every­one. You know what’s worked in the past. You Read More

How Do I ‘Easily’ Calculate ROI in Service-Line Marketing?

Ask The Expert with Scott McRae Calculating return on investment for a service-line marketing campaign can be elu­sive and is not for the faint of heart. How­ever, demonstrating that your marketing efforts contrib­ute to your organization’s bottom line communicates the value of your function and benefits your career. Where to begin To demonstrate the calculation Read More

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