Digital Strategy

eHST Monthly Video Update – June 2021

Watch this episode of our video update with stories from eHealthcare Strategy & Trends: Health systems use digital tools to connect people with vaccines. Top industry leaders share post-pandemic priorities. Lessons from higher education for digital fundraising in healthcare. How to raise your organization’s social justice profile. And an update on the 2021 eHealthcare Leadership Awards.

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Member Webinar: Digital Health Strategies that Will Shape the Future


How the pandemic has accelerated digital innovation in care delivery — and how you can take advantage of new models to meet consumer expectations

An eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar on demand for healthcare marketers and digital strategists.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created opportunities to transform care delivery with digital solutions and spawned digital health strategies that will define the future.

Which emerging digital solutions have the most power to disrupt? What does this mean for the future of telehealth? Or hospital care at home? What new challenges have emerged that we must pay attention to?

This panel discussion will focus on how health systems and technology leaders are pivoting and developing their digital health plans and products in response to the new landscape, and how they are partnering with vendors, incubators, and accelerators in new ways as digital health solutions proliferate.

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Submit Your Entry to the 2021 eHealthcare Leadership Awards!

It’s May, and if you’re part of the digital healthcare marketing community, you know what that means… the Call for Entries for the 2021 eHealthcare Leadership Awards is officially open! What a year it has been. Last year around this time, we were hoping the worst was over and we could begin to get back Read More

eHealthcare Monthly Roundup #1

eHST - monthly roundup screencapture

Watch the pilot episode of our monthly video roundup of the latest stories from eHealthcare Strategy & Trends. A low-tech inpatient telehealth solution at Boston Children’s Hospital. Marketing lessons from Futurescan. Physician social media ambassadors at Mount Sinai Health System. An interview with the principal transformation consultant for strategy and digital health at Henry Ford Health System. And creating connected digital experiences at Baystate Health and Banner Health.

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Dynamic Personalization in Healthcare Websites

Seventy-five percent of consumers prefer to do business with organizations that create personalized and relevant shopping experiences. But 60 percent of healthcare consumers report they don’t get that from healthcare organizations. There’s a huge opportunity to improve customer experience and increase conversions by bridging this gap.

Personalization can help connect the dots between consumer pain points and your healthcare services — helping consumers get value by more quickly and efficiently finding relevant information they seek, while allowing health systems to cross-promote services, improve loyalty, and drive patient volume. Done correctly, it’s a win-win.

In this session you’ll hear from experts who have worked with organizations including Duke Health, Geisinger, Johns Hopkins, and Cleveland Clinic. They’ll discuss how to use personalization tools to customize healthcare experiences while staying on the right side of HIPAA and the compliance department. You’ll get real-world examples and best practices to optimize your hospital website, leverage customer data safely, and deliver the more “Amazon-like” digital experience consumers expect.

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2020 eHealthcare Leadership Award Winners


// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The eHealthcare Leadership Awards honor the very best websites and digital communications from a broad spectrum of healthcare organizations. Winners of the 21st Annual eHealthcare Leadership Awards were announced on November 17 at a special presentation at HCIC@Home, the virtual conference sponsored by Greystone.Net, our partner in presenting the Read More

Building Connected Healthcare Experiences

eHST Webinar - Building Connected Healthcare Experiences

An eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar on demand for healthcare marketers and digital strategists. 

Your Presenters:

  • Jeff Cram, Partner, PK
  • Derek Philips, Director of Content Strategy, PK
  • Dave Wieneke, Healthcare Innovation Director, PK


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How Healthcare Leaders Are Taking On COVID-19

Well before cases of COVID-19 began to spike in the U.S., healthcare organizations were watching the response to the pandemic unfold worldwide and preparing for the worst-case scenario. Communications to myriad stakeholders have been and are being created, coordinated, and standardized across multiple channels. Accurate, up-to-date information is essential for all of us. To offer Read More

News from the Front: Healthcare Shifts into High Gear to Address the Coronavirus


// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Well before cases of COVID-19 began to spike in the U.S., healthcare organizations were watching the response to the pandemic unfold worldwide and preparing for the worst-case scenario. Communications to myriad stakeholders have been and are being created, coordinated, and standardized across multiple channels. Accurate, up-to-date information is essential Read More

Online Reputation Management: It’s More Than Ratings and Reviews

Lindsay Neese Burton, Healthcare Marketing Director, and Amanda Henson, Director of Online Reputation Management, Kindred Healthcare

How Kindred Healthcare leverages insights from online reviews to improve its online reputation, attract new patients, and enhance care

An eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar on demand for healthcare marketers and digital strategists

Your Presenters:

Building a positive reputation for your organization and physicians online has never been more critical:

  • 88 percent of consumers start their search for a provider online
  • 80 percent want to read six or more reviews to assess a provider
  • Search engines use reviews as part of their ranking algorithms — more reviews, and recent reviews, ensure your doctors and locations rank high
  • Positive online sentiment drives measurable patient satisfaction, predicting an increase in HCAHPS scores of as much as 17 percent according a recent assessment.

In this on-demand webinar, Lindsay Neese Burton, healthcare marketing director at, will share the latest trends in reputation management. “It’s more than just responding to patient reviews,” she says. “It is an orchestration of multiple digital and operational efforts that creates a virtuous cycle and drives new business.

Joining Lindsay, Amanda Henson, director of online reputation management at Kindred Healthcare will show how Kindred’s strategy ensures consumers find and choose Kindred — and how incorporating feedback from online reviews improves the patient experience.

You’ll learn:

  • The essential elements of a robust reputation management strategy — beyond ratings and reviews
  • How online reputation management optimizes search, supports acquisition of new patients, and helps you improve patient experience
  • How Reputation Score provides an index to monitor and improve your organization’s digital presence
  • How to engage your operations teams and create action plans based on feedback

Watch now and learn how you can create a robust and consistent online presence for every physician and location, improve your rankings, and attract more patients.

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Hospital Digital Experience Index: Webinar on Demand

Dave Wieneke and Aaron Watkins

Details from the latest study of 15 top-ranked hospitals’ websites — and takeaways you can apply at your organization

// Sponsored Post //

An eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar on demand for healthcare marketers and digital strategists

Your Presenters:

  • Dave Wieneke, Healthcare Practice Director, Connective DX
  • Aaron Watkins, Senior Director of Internet Strategy & Digital Content Marketing, Johns Hopkins Medicine

The latest Hospital Digital Experience Index (HDX-15) is out — and it’s chock-full of actionable insights based on detailed benchmarking and analytics.

Get an expert tour of the best digital work happening among leading organizations like Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and others.

Dave Wieneke, healthcare practice director at Connective DX and lead developer of the HDX-15 methodology, will highlight the emerging trends and best practices observed across these 15 top websites.

Dave will be joined by special guest Aaron Watkins, senior director of internet strategy and digital content marketing at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

You’ll Learn:

  • How to better connect with and serve your community by reflecting and representing diversity on your website
  • Why this may the the year of the phone, and how you can use digital to support it
  • Where most of your website traffic may be coming from
  • How you can respect the patient journey and personalize the digital experience

Join us on January 23 and get insights from top healthcare organizations that will help you enhance the digital experience for your website visitors.

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2018 eHealthcare Leadership Award Winners Announced

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The eHealthcare Leadership Awards program recognizes the very best websites and digital communications efforts of a wide range of healthcare organizations. This year’s winners were announced November 7 at a special presentation in Scottsdale, Arizona during the Healthcare Internet Conference, produced by Greystone.Net. More than 200 organizations received recognition Read More

Content + Analytics: Penn Medicine’s Formula for Success

Suzanne Sawyer, senior vice president and chief marketing communications officer for Johns Hopkins Medicine

// By Melanie Graham // When you consider the elements needed for quality content, what do you think of? Skilled copywriters may come to mind, or maybe you think of killer creative from a professional graphic designer. But what about data? It may not be the first thing that pops into your head, but analytics Read More

Benchmarking Reveals Whether You’re a Leader or a Laggard

Ben Dillon

“Benchmarking your organization against your peers is something every health system wants to do,” says Ben Dillon, chief strategy officer at Geonetric and eHST Editorial Advisory Board member. “But in reality, how you compete is more nuanced than just comparing your organization to others by team or bed size. It’s neither easy to compare yourself to an average of Read More

Ask the Expert: What Differentiates a Healthcare Digital Marketing Leader?

Ben Dillon

Learn How Leading Healthcare Marketers Do Digital Differently and How to Propel Your Organization Forward // By Ben Dillon // Benchmarking your organization against your peers is something every health system wants to do. But in reality, how you compete is more nuanced than just comparing your organization to others by team or bed size. Read More

IBM Marketing Catalyst: A Preconfigured Healthcare Marketing Stack

leveraging watson and adobe graphic

What do you get when you cross IBM Watson with five Adobe marketing tools? A smart, HIPAA-compliant, preconfigured marketing stack curated for healthcare that doesn’t take years to implement. That’s the case IBM is hoping to prove to healthcare and life sciences organizations with its new offering, IBM Marketing Catalyst. Developed by digital consultancy IBM Read More

eHealthcare Leadership Award Winners: They’re Simply the Best

eHealthcare Leadership Awards

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // It’s that time of year again. The call for entries for the 2018 eHealthcare Leadership Awards is open as of May 1. This year’s award winners will be announced at a gala luncheon on November 7 at the HCIC conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. Winners are selected from nearly 1,000 Read More

Call for Entries — 2018 eHealthcare Leadership Awards

eHealthcare Leadership Awards

The Call for Entries for the 2018 eHealthcare Leadership Awards is now open. This leading awards program, which draws some 1,000 entries, exclusively recognizes the very best websites and digital communications of healthcare organizations (both large and small), online health companies, pharmaceutical/medical equipment firms, agencies/suppliers, and business improvement initiatives. These awards highlight the role of Read More

A New Tool That Could Transform Your Patient Communications

Progressive Web App (PWA) Characteristics

What if you could make your website more engaging and easier to access for patients on the go — even when they don’t have access to the internet — while improving your electronic communication and reducing your costs? While this may sound like a tall order, progressive web apps (PWAs) can help you accomplish all Read More

Why Progressive Web Apps Should Be on Your Roadmap

Michael Spinosa, CEO of Unleashed Technologies

// By Lisa D. Ellis // What if you could make your website more engaging and easier to access for patients on the go — even when they don’t have access to the internet — while improving your electronic communication and reducing your costs? While this may sound like a tall order, progressive web apps Read More