Which User Testing Tool Is Right For You?
You’ve been working on your website redesign for many months. At key points along the way you solicited feedback from your physician committee and other stakeholders in your organization. Now you’re finally ready to let internal users test the site before the public launch. What are the right tools to use to get user feedback?

Bill Citro, Communications and Marketing Senior Analyst at Nebraska Medicine
We recently spoke with Bill Citro, Communications and Marketing Senior Analyst at Nebraska Medicine, who shared insight about three tools: ForeSee, Feedbackify, and Usertesting.com. “Each of them has a different purpose,” he says. “They’re not necessarily competitors or very similar products.”
Citro describes ForeSee as the “Cadillac” of website feedback tools because of the amount of quantitative data it can provide. ForeSee’s clients span multiple industries, including retail, telecommunications, media and entertainment, healthcare, financial, and others. “They help you decide what you want to measure and give you advice on the best way to measure it,” says Citro. Nebraska Medicine used ForeSee immediately after a site launch a few years ago.
Learn more about ForeSee, Feedbackify, and Usertesting.com when you read our full article. You’ll even get some user feedback from health systems around the country that are having success with each. (See what I did there?)
Go there now: 3 User Testing Tools: Seeing Your Hospital’s Website Through Users’ Eyes.
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey