Mobile Strategy: Challenges and Successes at Johns Hopkins Medicine

Aaron Watkins, Senior Director of Internet Strategy at Johns Hopkins Medicine
After reading marketing automation software company Marketo’s Definitive Guide to Mobile Marketing, we asked Marketo how healthcare organizations compare to other types of organizations when it comes to mobile. Kristen Kaighn, Senior Product Marketing Manager, weighed in:
“While 90 percent of healthcare providers claim to use mobile devices to engage with patients, only 48 percent of providers say their digital strategy is integrated into their overall corporate strategy. With the majority of digital investments going into patient portals, the most common use of mobile is through app-enabled patient portals for patient engagement.
“Since healthcare providers are lagging in developing 360-degree views of their patients, informed by the many data sets, offline and online channels and touchpoints, engaging primarily via patient portal is likely resulting in sporadic communications that are disjointed with the patient’s entire journey.”
We then checked in with Johns Hopkins Medicine to find out more about where mobile strategy fits in at a large, complex organization. Our conversation with Aaron Watkins, Senior Director of Internet Strategy, revealed that even a world-renowned healthcare organization faces hurdles moving forward on mobile initiatives.
Read the full story for all the details, including the key mobile-related challenges Johns Hopkins is dealing with now, its successes, and its biggest goals for the future: Real-World Mobile Strategy at Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Best regards,
Matt Humphrey