Digital Advertising
Subtopics: Paid Search, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Display, Interactive, Programmatic Ad Buying, Remarketing, Integrated Marketing, etc.

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Case Study: Creating a Social Media “Command Center”

Social media has become a critical component of the digital marketing mix for most healthcare organizations. Social media command centers are making it possible for lean marketing teams to listen, respond, and engage with growing numbers of consumers on multiple platforms, and share information across the organization. Some command centers are fishbowl-style physical spaces designed Read More

How Does a Digital Marketer Transition from E-Commerce to Healthcare?

Ask the Expert, with Scott Mowery, Director of Digital Services at Cleveland Clinic // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Scott Mowery, Director of Digital Services at Cleveland Clinic, presented at HCIC 2015. His background in e-commerce intrigued us. We wanted to know how it shaped his approach to digital marketing in healthcare. We also wanted Read More

Ask the Expert: From E-Greetings to E-Healthcare

Scott Mowery, Director of Digital Services at Cleveland Clinic, presented at HCIC 2015. He used to work at American Greetings Interactive, and his background in e-commerce intrigued us. According to Scott, there’s a lot of overlap between e-commerce and healthcare marketing: “At American Greetings [my whole job was about] seeing how many subscribers turned into paying Read More

Blogging Maximizes Impact and Reduces Workload for Nebraska Medicine

To say that the past couple of years at Nebraska Medicine have been a busy time would be an understatement. As if launching a new name and brand weren’t enough, Nebraska Medicine completed the clinical integration of three separate entities into one operating unit, all while dealing with the international press as one of three Read More

Nebraska Medicine Launches Blogs, Reduces Spend on Traditional Media

To say that the past couple of years at Nebraska Medicine have been a busy time would be an understatement. As if launching a new name and brand weren’t enough, Nebraska Medicine completed the clinical integration of three separate entities into one operating unit, all while dealing with the international press as one of three Read More

Community Building: It’s Not All About You

Dan Dunlop, Jennings

“If you’ve worked in healthcare marketing for more than a few months, you’ve undoubtedly faced a request from a service line leader who wants to see a photo of himself or his team prominently featured in an ad,” says Dan Dunlop, president and CEO of Jennings, an advertising and brand development agency, and member of the Read More

Establishing Conversion Tools for Hospital Websites

Stephen Moegling

// By Stephen Moegling // The Internet is the primary source for consumers to search for products and services instantly. Healthcare solutions are no exception. Hospitals are becoming savvier at using their website vehicles to convert prospective patients in the “golden moment” when those prospects are making active healthcare decisions. In addition, because the decision-making Read More

Two-Tiered Performance Measurement: The Gold Standard for Modern Marketing

// By Kyra Hagan // Good marketers continually try to figure out which strategies and tactics will work best to achieve or exceed their goals. They spend days, sometimes weeks, compiling metrics and spreadsheets attempting to both understand and clearly articulate the story hiding within the data. But let’s face it—when it comes to effectively Read More

Suzanne Sawyer, Chief Marketing Officer, Penn Medicine, and Rob Grant, Co-Founder and Executive VP, Evariant to present at new eHST webinar

Recently, we published “Precision Digital Marketing: Penn Medicine’s Journey of Innovation.” There were so many takeaways and lessons to be learned from the Penn Medicine experience we asked the lead voices in that article to share more in a new webinar. I’m happy to announce that they have agreed, and on Sept. 3, Suzanne Sawyer, Read More

How Mobile-Friendly Is Your Hospital Website?

Chris Boyer, director of digital and analytics at University of Minnesota Health and Fairview Health

More and more people are using mobile devices to access and consume digital content. In response to this growing trend, Google is now giving preferential treatment to mobile-friendly websites in search results from mobile devices. So if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, how big a problem is it? Has organic search fallen off a cliff? To Read More

B2C Marketing Predictions 2015

The results of an Economist Intelligence Unit survey, commissioned by Marketo, indicate that 99% of marketers plan to invest in marketing technologies in the next year. Here are other key findings: Impact on Revenue Of the B2C marketers surveyed, more than half (55%) feel that their marketing departments are regarded as little more than a Read More

Successful Pay-Per-Click Campaigns Justify Bigger Budgets for North Shore-LIJ

In this week’s ezine, we take a look at a case study we’ve recently posted online that explores how the North-Shore-LIJ Health System used successful digital marketing campaigns for specific service lines to not only drive profitable volume, but also to justify greater investment in this type of healthcare marketing campaign. What if you could Read More

North Shore-LIJ Health System Raises Brand Awareness and Drives Volume at a Low Cost Per Acquisition With Highly Measurable Digital Marketing Campaigns

What if you could reduce cost per acquisition by $200 or more compared to industry averages? “We’re running anywhere from 400 to 500 campaigns at a time across the country,” says J.K. Lloyd, President and Co-Founder of Eruptr, a Washington, D.C., digital marketing agency focused on healthcare. “We typically see campaigns that will convert for Read More

Not Just a Physician Directory: Two Hospitals Get More Bang for Their Buck Using Healthgrades Multi-Channel Marketing Platform

Citrus Valley Health Partners in California wants to drive volume to service lines, and gear up for value-based payment models. The health system selected Healthgrades as its CRM provider, and launched its first campaign in February 2014. “The numbers from last year were pretty stunning,” says Martin Kleinbart, Chief Strategy Officer. Aubrey Hinkson, Marketing Manager Read More

Digital Marketing Platforms: How Citrus Valley Health Partners Got “Stunning” Results and Georgia Regents Health System Made $40 for Every $1 Spent

Martin Kleinbart and Aubrey Hinkson are on opposite coasts, and they work for two very different healthcare organizations, Citrus Valley Health Partners in California, and Georgia Regents Health System (GR Health) in Augusta, Georgia. What they have in common is that they are both achieving a positive return on marketing investment, using Healthgrades’ multichannel marketing Read More

MidMichigan Health Multi-Channel Campaign Featuring Animated TV Spot Hits the Target

MidMichigan Health was succeeding at getting people in the community to participate in health risk assessments. The problem was, they were reaching the “worried well” and not people who needed intervention. To remedy the situation, MidMichigan launched an advertising campaign, working with creative agency Neathawk Dubuque & Packett. The centerpiece of the campaign is an Read More

“Ask Dr. Internet” Campaign Drives New Patients to MidMichigan Health

We’ve all done it. A strange symptom appears out of nowhere and we go straight to the Internet to diagnose it, usually coming up with something far scarier than it actually turns out to be. That insight about human behavior provided the creative inspiration for MidMichigan Health’s “Ask Dr. Internet” TV commercial, the centerpiece of Read More

University of Pennsylvania Health System’s Digital Marketing Redesign Achieves Stellar Results

Penn thumbnail logo

Few would disagree that healthcare has lagged behind other industries in adoption of digital marketing strategies and technologies. Suzanne Sawyer, Chief Marketing Officer at Penn Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania Health System, made it her mission to change that in her own organization. “The discipline of marketing is changing and evolving,” says Sawyer. “We’ve been Read More

Precision Digital Marketing: Penn Medicine’s Journey of Innovation

Penn Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania Health System, has a long and venerable history. The School of Medicine was the first in the nation, and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania the first teaching hospital. In keeping with its legacy of innovation, Penn Medicine today continues to chart new territory, reaching new and existing Read More

MDConnect Drives Search Engine Results and Reviews for Vascular Surgeon

#HCMKTG SHORT TAKES Dr. Tif Siragusa has been in practice as a vascular surgeon in Nashville, Tennessee, for five years. A little over two years ago he started working with MDConnect, a Boston-based digital marketing agency that works exclusively with healthcare clients. “My initial involvement with MDConnect is that they helped me with my pay-per-click Read More

Social Media for Direct Response: Zooming In On Facebook Targeting Tools

Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta and digital marketing solutions provider BrightWhistle were featured in our January article “Building a Facebook Community Creates Marketing Opportunities for Atlanta’s Piedmont Healthcare.” The article was based on a presentation at the 2014 Healthcare Internet Conference (HCIC) given by Matt Gove, CMO at Piedmont and Michael Sengbusch CTO at BrightWhistle. We Read More