Award-Winning Integrated Marketing Campaigns to Support Product Line Marketing: Part 2
Three prominent healthcare organizations — UChicago Medicine, University of Michigan Health-Sparrow, and Siteman Cancer Center — share their integrated marketing strategies for growing service lines.
// By Susan Dubuque //

The 2023 eHealthcare Leadership Awards recognized 24 outstanding campaigns in the Best Integrated Marketing Campaigns category during the presentation in November at HCIC, Los Angeles. This category covers multichannel campaigns that use a combination of digital advertising and traditional channels, such as TV, radio, billboards, print, and direct mail. The judges evaluate entries based on the campaign's goals, marketing content, creative development, and results achieved.
In Part 1 of this two-part series, “What It Takes to Be Named Among the Best Integrated Marketing Campaigns,” we looked at campaigns that contribute to brand and fund development. Part 2 showcases award-winning integrated campaigns created to promote product lines.
Integrated campaigns can play a significant role in product line marketing by unifying messaging across all channels and enhancing brand consistency and visibility. This cohesive approach helps reach diverse target audiences and engage with consumers at multiple touchpoints, enhancing engagement and improving results.
Read the full article to see how these award-winning healthcare systems plan and execute successful integrated marketing campaigns.
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