A New, Smarter CRM for Healthcare Marketers

Trilliant Healthcare Logo Square

Demands on health system marketing departments for growth and accountability are relentless. Data-driven marketing is the new imperative, yet marketing departments typically run lean, with lean budgets. Digital marketers have to be experts in web development, content management, social media, digital advertising, attribution modeling, multichannel marketing, and lately, big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Read More

Online Scheduling Solution Streamlines Access at Prevea Health

Jane Weber Brubaker

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Online scheduling is something we take for granted when it comes to making a dinner reservation or booking a flight. But it’s been a tough nut to crack for healthcare systems, and a source of frustration for patients when it’s not available. It seems like it should be easy. Read More

Next-Generation CRM: Intelligent, Individualized, Automated

Darin Szilagyi, Methodist

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Demands on health system marketing departments for growth and accountability are relentless. Data-driven marketing is the new imperative, yet marketing departments typically run lean, with lean budgets. Digital marketers have to be experts in web development, content management, social media, digital advertising, attribution modeling, multichannel marketing, and lately, big Read More

A Social Network Just for Physicians

Melanie Graham

Social media isn’t always an easy sell in the healthcare community. Not only do physicians have limited time to spend on social media, the platforms can be minefields of HIPAA and patient confidentiality violations. But at a time when value-based care is growing, communication between hospitals and providers is more important than ever. Social media, Read More

How Physician-Focused Social Networks Boost Physician Referrals

Peter Alperin, MD, vice president of connectivity solutions at Doximity

// By Melanie Graham //  Social media isn’t always an easy sell in the healthcare community. Not only do physicians have limited time to spend on social media, the platforms can be minefields of HIPAA and patient confidentiality violations. But at a time when value-based care is growing, communication between hospitals and providers is more Read More

Empathy: The Key to Creating Meaningful Digital Experiences for Consumers

Kyra Hagan

// By Kyra Hagan // Gaining an understanding of what drives the choice-making and loyalty of healthcare consumers is complex. What we do know is that consumers’ expectations for healthcare interactions are being shaped by the personalized and convenient experiences they have grown accustomed to in other industries, like retail, hospitality, and banking. As a Read More

Are Your Social Media Channels Braced for Crisis?

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Logo

Most health systems today have an established social media presence. But is it ready and able to flex in times of emergency? When Hurricane Harvey struck the greater Houston area in August 2017, it left widespread flooding and devastation in its wake. With roads impassable and power outages in many areas, the University of Texas MD Read More

A New Tool That Could Transform Your Patient Communications

Progressive Web App (PWA) Characteristics

What if you could make your website more engaging and easier to access for patients on the go — even when they don’t have access to the internet — while improving your electronic communication and reducing your costs? While this may sound like a tall order, progressive web apps (PWAs) can help you accomplish all Read More

Attract More Patients to Your Healthcare Organization [Webinar on Demand]

Lindsay Neese Burton and Amber Welch

How Ochsner Health System Leverages Technology to Proactively Manage Online Reputation — and How You Can Too

// Sponsored Post //

An eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and digital strategists

Webinar on Demand — Watch Now

Your Presenters:

Healthcare consumers search for more information when making decisions about their care than ever before. And far too often the information they find online about doctors and facilities is incorrect or insufficient.

What your potential patients find — or don’t find — about your service lines and physicians when they search online can make or break your organization’s ability to bring in new patients and retain existing ones.

Few organizations have the resources to manually maintain accurate listings for every location and physician across a growing multitude of social platforms, search engines, and review sites — from Google and Facebook to Healthgrades and Vitals. Some have tried — and failed — to keep up with the sheer number of ever-changing variables.

But with the right technology, organizations can gain control over their information, and consumers benefit from access to current, comprehensive, and accurate information when choosing a doctor.

Watch this webinar on demand now and learn how Ochsner Health System uses a technology solution to proactively manage its online presence — and ensure it is a consistently strong contender for consumers’ attention when seeking a provider.

Watch now »

An App That Facilitates Physician Referrals

Social media and mobile apps are an important part of any healthcare marketer’s toolkit; these technologies are crucial in building brand awareness and increasing patient volume. But what about their use in driving physician referrals? Most of the time a healthcare referral is made, it is made by a physician, not a consumer or patient. Read More

Why Progressive Web Apps Should Be on Your Roadmap

Michael Spinosa, CEO of Unleashed Technologies

// By Lisa D. Ellis // What if you could make your website more engaging and easier to access for patients on the go — even when they don’t have access to the internet — while improving your electronic communication and reducing your costs? While this may sound like a tall order, progressive web apps Read More

Examine All the Channels That Affect Conversions

Depending on how your marketing organization is structured, questioning how much a particular marketing initiative contributes to overall conversions may be stepping on someone’s toes. Everyone wants to take credit for positive results, but smart organizations dig deeper to understand all the variables that could impact conversions, such as: How many marketing touches does it Read More

The Art and Science of Multichannel Attribution

How Children’s National Health System Foundation Collapsed Its Cost Per Dollar Raised // By Jane Weber Brubaker // Depending on how your marketing organization is structured, questioning how much a particular marketing initiative contributes to overall conversions may be stepping on someone’s toes. Everyone wants to take credit for positive results, but smart organizations dig Read More

Alexa, Can You Help Our Patients and Still Stay HIPAA-Compliant?

Emily Kagan Trenchard, associate vice president of digital & innovations strategy, Northwell Health

The market for voice-controlled smart speakers is hot. The percentage of U.S. Wi-Fi connected households with devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home was up to 12.1 percent as of the end of November, after Black Friday and Cyber Monday, comScore reported. If that doesn’t get your attention, consider the growth rate between June (8.1 Read More

Alexa, What Are the Early Adopters Up To?

Jane Weber Brubaker

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // The market for voice-controlled smart speakers is hot. The percentage of U.S. Wi-Fi connected households with devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home was up to 12.1 percent as of the end of November, after Black Friday and Cyber Monday, comScore reported. If that doesn’t get your attention, consider Read More

Cherry Garcia, Chunky Monkey, and Your Healthcare Organization

What do Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Time Inc., and other consumer brands and products have in common with your healthcare organization? More than you might think, when it comes to digital consumer engagement. Everyone knows Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. In fact, just thinking of the name may make you drool for a pint Read More

Are Your Marketing Efforts Underutilizing LinkedIn?

linkedin logo

With a very different audience and focus from its social media brethren, LinkedIn has always been a unique challenge for healthcare marketers. But with half a billion users (as of April 2017), LinkedIn is not a space to ignore. Putting resources behind this channel may not be easy, but it’s worth the effort to reach Read More

Blockchain-Enabled Solutions to Persistent Healthcare Problems

John Halamka

Remember the Winkleveii? The aggrieved Harvard twins of Facebook fame?  They’re in the news again, this time as the “first Bitcoin billionaires.” Moneywatch reported in December that the $11 million they collectively invested in Bitcoin in 2013, was valued at more than $1.7 billion. So what does Bitcoin have to do with healthcare? Or digital Read More

How Hospitals Can Take Advantage of LinkedIn’s Unique Network

Melanie Graham

// By Melanie Graham // With a very different audience and focus from its social media brethren, LinkedIn has always been a unique challenge for healthcare marketers. But with half a billion users (as of April 2017), LinkedIn is not a space to ignore. Putting resources behind this channel may not be easy, but it’s Read More

Is Blockchain the Next Big Thing for Healthcare?

Blockchain in healthcare

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Remember the Winkleveii? The aggrieved Harvard twins of Facebook fame?  They’re in the news again, this time as the “first Bitcoin billionaires.” Moneywatch reported in December that their collective $11 million investment in Bitcoin in 2013 was valued at more than $1.7 billion. So what does Bitcoin have to Read More

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