
Why It Pays To Broaden Your Concept of “Patient Experience”

Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare

Your brand is the sum of the experiences a customer has with you, says Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare in Georgia. This definition goes beyond the conventional scope of patient experience, or as Gove consistently refers to it: customer experience. While patient experience historically has been a clinical initiative, with the bulk of Read More

Customer Experience the Piedmont Way

Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare

// By Jane Weber Brubaker // Your brand is the sum of the experiences a customer has with you, says Matt Gove, chief consumer officer at Piedmont Healthcare in Georgia. This definition goes beyond the conventional scope of patient experience, or as Gove consistently refers to it: customer experience. Patient experience historically has been a Read More

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